Showing posts with label Three Laws of Robotics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Three Laws of Robotics. Show all posts

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ken Jennings on Watson

Ken is smart and funny. Here is a link to his analysis of the man vs. machine cage match.

Some favorite bits:
"In the middle of the floor was a huge image of Watson's on-camera avatar, a glowing blue ball crisscrossed by "threads" of thought—42 threads, to be precise, an in-joke for Douglas Adams fans."
Ken obviously knows his pop culture as he used the Simpson's quote to welcome our new computer overlords in his Final Jeopardy answer.
"Watson has lots in common with a top-ranked human Jeopardy! player: It's very smart, very fast, speaks in an uneven monotone, and has never known the touch of a woman."
And he can play to the classic geek stereo-types.
"Just as factory jobs were eliminated in the 20th century by new assembly-line robots, Brad and I were the first knowledge-industry workers put out of work by the new generation of "thinking" machines."
Not a bad severance package - he gets $150,000 for coming in second.

And as a side note, good thing companies like 3LM are starting to implement Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics.
"The security company says 3LM stands for "three laws of mobility" that devices should follow: protect the user from malicious code or content, protect the device itself by securing data and communications, and obey the user unless this would cause a security problem."