Ed at Import Communications has gotten a new version of the UV-5R programming software. On the UV-5R Yahoo group, he notes that:
The new file has been uploaded to the Files section and also placed on my webDownload is here. The readme file states:
site. It starts in English and does 2.5 kHz frequency entries.
This is version 2 of the programming software for the UV-5R. If installing over a previous version, you must first remove or rename the file "BF5R_CPS" from your original folder.
Improvements to this software will continue and newer versions will be announced and posted to the UV-5R Yahoo-Group and to the web site www.UV-5R.com as they are received.
73, EdThe software installed in a different path than the original version I had. YMMV. I left the radio at work, so I couldn't really test it, but it does open with the menus in English. A step (no pun intended) in the right direction!
i get a run-time error 8020 error reading comm device when i read or go to write frequencies then the program shuts down and my backlight comes on for a few seconds on the UV-5R.
ReplyDeleteI got the same errors at first, running win 7 64bit computer, finally got driver from WWW.radioshop888.com , look on his website under software and he has an updated driver for 64 bit win 7, for 32bit win seven you just have to keep trying diff drivers, or remove the device completly under device mgmr, and let your computer search the web for one. PS software dosent seem to work on a 10 in netbook, screen resolution is enough to shoe the confirm on com port window.
DeleteI get same error as Anonymous above. Win7
ReplyDeleteIs the driver installed correctly? Do you have the correct COM port defined in the software?
DeleteI cannot get the software to work at all. Very dissapointing because the radio itself looks like a big improvement over the 2 watt models. Seems to have better audio on the one channel that I manually programmed in. BTW manual programming is very fatigueing and won't let you put in satelite splits. Hope they get the software working soon. This version really sucks!
ReplyDeleteHi! I get the 8020 error when I try to read radio settings. Then the program window closes unexpectedly and the handheld resets. Diver installed correctly, COM port selected from software, other USB devices removed from PC. Win 7 - fresh install, new Dell desktop PC. Help!
ReplyDeleteMe again. Forgot to mention that version #1 of the program, the one that starts up in Chinese returns the same error while attempting to connect to radio.
ReplyDeleteAfter some research, I found out that it's not the program, it's the USB to serial cable driver. It seems that Prolific released a driver update for Win7 that disables the Chinese clones. Older drivers still work.
DeleteCan anybody upload a cable driver for Win 7 that is older than the one on 409shop?
Found it on the BF-5R Yahoo group! Download the driver from the Files section and then replace the newer one by manually selecting in Device manager the downloaded .inf file.
ReplyDeleteGlad you got it working!
DeleteOK so I've tried everything that has been posted and installed the newest software and still get the same thing "Failed to connect" I love the radio but need the software to work. Please help.
DeleteCan anyone tell me where I can get a cable from to program the UV-5R?
DeleteYou can get one here:
Definitely works like a champ on XP.
DeleteHad some difficulty, then realized I had to push really hard to get the cable in all the way, now it's working fine. First thing I did was get rid of the tx entries on the public safety freqs I monitor. Now I don't have to worry about keying up by accident. If you're going to listen to frequencies you shouldn't be transmitting on, a programming cable is a must.
ReplyDeleteTo make it work, and not get "runtime error 8020" download the old drivers from www.x-drivers.com
simply google "Prolific PL2303 Driver v.1.0"
and get your software working
mismatch error when I try enter ctcss,program closed. I write 82.5 not 82,5
ReplyDeleteoriginal soft with problem? help please
Confirming same probelm. It is NOT possible to prograam ANY CTCSS codes from the new software. The resukt is that software tilts and states Error 13 - Missmatch error if you try to select any CTCSS frequency in channel list or in the Geneal setup page.
DeleteOH6NT Thomas
DeleteI have had the Same problems like everyone whit the usbcabel ,you can by on ebay also a serialcabel if you have a serialport on your PC ,watch the communications-parameters on the comport.
Hello there guys, I had the same problem. I simply went to http://www.uv-5r.com/ and downloaded the drivers and the last program version and it was solved. Make sure that you point to the right virtual COM port. In that page you have a program called findcomport, that program will find the correct com port with the message that found a cable with "no echo" (this is normal.
ReplyDeleteHey guys I'm still having problems connecting my Baofeng UV-5R to the programming software. Let me explain what I have tried so far. I have an HP Laptop that runs 64-bit Windows 7. I have tried using many drivers, including The Solution on the Yahoo Group, the original disk, and www.uv-5r.com which utilize the 64-bit specific driver version I have also tried using the latest programming software from the same two sources. In addition, I tried to program the radio using my older Dell Desktop that runs 32-bit Windows Vista. I tried using the Vista drivers and the programming software from the previous sources. The wire is pushed as far as I can get it, and I believe it is secure in there. The same message has been occurring over-and-over again: "Operate prompt Fail connect with transceiver- Communication fault" when I try to read from or write to the device. I have been trying for hours, so any further advice will be extremely appreciated, not just by myself, but also by the guys I bought these radios with at our local fire house.
ReplyDeleteI have also made sure that the driver is the only driver that it recognizes as stated in The Solution on the Yahoo Group. Also, I am using Version 12.03.05. Sorry for the long post, but I want to make sure I give you all the most info possible.
DeleteDear Anonmous, I have just spent the last 5 hours getting the same as you, then I pushed the plug really hard and OMG it went click a litle bit more, then its working. =)
DeleteI found I had to shave a bit of plastic off the plug on the programming cable before it would go in properly - the plugs should go fully into the sockets with no metal showing
Deletefunny i had same problems with my vx-1R programing it would not communicate with computer either data comm error 5 what give i have windows 7 home premium wha? gives
DeleteI am seeing so much versions of this model. What is the latest version please ? Which are the best ham use ?? UVX4 UV5R UV3R ????others perhaps ????
ReplyDeleteLots of opinions out there. If I had to pick one Baofeng today, it would be the UV-5R. It seems to be the most solid of the bunch and has a few more features.
DeleteHello Guys..oh well,many users around the world have the same problem,not only me here in Italy lol..
ReplyDeleteI've tried as many of you to do the same tricks,first installing different drivers found in differents sites. Then installing several times the original software. But the problem is still running every time..But to be honest,could be the problem inside the original software?? I tried to use the CHIRP software using the same drivers (on win7) and..the software running on! I can programming the radio,even if some settings are a bit different...
Another ideas? ;-)
Hello! Dose anyone know if i can do a firmware update on the Baofeng UV-5R, I fhave a old version. Can i even do theat or do i need a new one with new firmware.
ReplyDeleteYou cannot update the firmware. Sorry!
Delete:( , well... it works good like this too.
DeleteThank you for the answer :) Brick
DeleteOne more thing, can I extend my radio to get 520Mhz range my firmware is BFB251 / 120722A ver0.5
ReplyDeleteHOLA DESDE ARGENTINA con service 3 pack windows xp no tengo problemas en cambiar las frecuencias del equipo en cuestion ya pude transmistir en 129mhz recepcionando con radio shack pro 75 tambien transmiti en 512 mhz sin ningun problema recepcionando con radio uniden bearcat fb220 me tengo que poner a experimentar un poco mas y la verdad es un lindo chiquilin saludos
ReplyDeleteHolla, Gracias por la respuesta, perdona my espaniol :). Yo queria saber el software ce me permite de cambiar la banda del equipo. Creo ce o encontrado aqui la respuesta: http://www.miklor.com/uv5r/UV5R-Software.html pero el software no me deja poner 129Mhz, temgo solo dezde : 136-174Mhz y 400-520Mhz lo ce me vale por aora. :). El software es 3) Baofeng VIP v120706 with Installer (Chin) * ** BF5R_VIP_v120706(VB6).zip
ReplyDeleteSaludos :)
I have two uv-5r radios. One works great, the other will not connect to the computer to program. have tried every idea posted and checked every possibility. the first one reads and writes with no problem, but the second will do neither. head set works and the radio will program manually. sent radio back to store but they just sent it back with a program disk that again works on one but not the other. first bad experience with radiogearpro. any ideas?
ReplyDelete1. Are you sure the cable is seated correctly? There is a lot of variability in the build quality, so some radios are almost impossible to physically connect.
Delete2. Does the radio show up in Windows Device Manager, so you can identify the correct COM port?
Have you attempted to program it using CHIRP?
i get the same problem , wew radio when I try to program it I get fail to connect to transcever, I tried different drivers, pushing in cable as far as it will go, when pushing it far into slots the radio transmits a signal. but it still will not connect.
ReplyDeleteI have no problems using the stock Baofeng supplied software with my UV5RE. However, in trying to help friends who bought the same model radio, they, nor I can get the software to communicate with the radio. We have tried three different computers and two different cables. All configs work perfectly with my radio, but not with any of the three of theirs. Done all the usual things - comm port, pushing in the connector and such. I'm starting to think Baofeng has had a run of bad jacks. However one of the radios that will not program uses an external speaker/mic which works fine.
ReplyDeleteHave just spent week trying to communicate , different drivers for usb , different versions of Baofeng programming software , tried Chirp. Finally slowed comms port speed down from 9600 to 1200 through device manager all good! Have UVR-5 with BFB297 firmware
Deletehi i have the same problem and i turn off the program a few times and then works with the new radio (BFB297). i use the new program BFuv-5r-VIP
DeleteBeen trying all day still no luck
ReplyDeleteI have a new UV5-RA how do I load DPL's in this radio?????
ReplyDeleteA few tips for UV-5R programming:
ReplyDelete-The software version matters. Some UV-5Rs have updated firmware, and older software might not match. Make sure you get the latest version or "build" from the software provider.
-Experiment with different COM PORT rates. In Windows 7, this is in the Device Manager. Sometimes, improper transfer rates cause programming errors.
Hope this is helpful, 73s - KD8POH
hi i have the same problem and i turn off the program a few times and then works with the new radio (BFB297). i use the new program BFuv-5r-VIP