Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Heard on the 940 Repeater

I like listening to the 146.940 WB4GBI repeater for the random bits of trivia, good natured ribbing, and general rag chewing.

For example, one unintended benefit of moving the squad car shotguns to the roof was that officers could no longer ash into the barrel.

Also, one ham has personal experience with Kevlar pants saving him from hospital visit when he tripped into a running chainsaw.

When a ham mentioned that he wasn't going to take a radio with him on a trip, he immediately was advised to at least throw an HT in the car. CTW said he always bragged to his wife that he could use his HF rig to contact Italy. Then she would point out that could reach across the globe, but he couldn't call the local AAA with it.

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