Showing posts with label Mstar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mstar. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Chinese Radio Mega List by Nate - Part 2 - HTs

Here is the second part of Nate's e-mail with the information about the HTs. (Most of this is from his e-mail, but I've edited it so assume any errors are mine.) Part I was about mobile radios.

Baojie BJ-UV88

BAOJIE have an HT model: BAOJIE BJ-UV88


HYS have an HT as well: HYS TC-UV11 and HYS TC-UV99 (if you need a larger flashlight). And the HYS TC-UV88 that looks a little bit like the Baofeng UV-5R / TYT TH-F8.

More UV-5R clones / brands:
ZasTone ZT-V8 ($85.50 on AliExpress)
Mstar M-UV1 ($56 on AliExpress)

Mstar M-UV2
Mstar also has the M-UV2 (Totally different radio)