Showing posts with label TH-F8. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TH-F8. Show all posts

Friday, December 7, 2012

Chinese Radio Reference

I'm losing track. I'm gonna build a reference list. I'm not sure of the format, but I thought I would link to the manufacturer's website, maybe get pricing, link to my posts about that radio, and then any notes about what made that radio special. Maybe a list like this...

Kight Radio $109.95
409 Shop $105.00
My Posts
Kight Radio $69.95
409 Shop $68.50
My Posts
Radio-Mart tried to make this a tri-bander
Kight Radio $59.95
Import Comm $64.95
409 Shop $51.00
My Posts
Moleculeo's favorite
Kight Radio $89.95
409 Shop $63.00
My Posts

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Chinese Radio Mega List by Nate - Part 2 - HTs

Here is the second part of Nate's e-mail with the information about the HTs. (Most of this is from his e-mail, but I've edited it so assume any errors are mine.) Part I was about mobile radios.

Baojie BJ-UV88

BAOJIE have an HT model: BAOJIE BJ-UV88


HYS have an HT as well: HYS TC-UV11 and HYS TC-UV99 (if you need a larger flashlight). And the HYS TC-UV88 that looks a little bit like the Baofeng UV-5R / TYT TH-F8.

More UV-5R clones / brands:
ZasTone ZT-V8 ($85.50 on AliExpress)
Mstar M-UV1 ($56 on AliExpress)

Mstar M-UV2
Mstar also has the M-UV2 (Totally different radio)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Baofeng UV-5R: TYT Spare Batteries

Hans compares the TYT TH-F8 and Baofeng UV-5R batteries. The batteries appear to be the same except for a slight weight difference and some cosmetic molding. And despite the different rated capacities, he suspects they may be identical internally. He's going to do some more looking, but if that is true then the TYT battery is a much better deal at $4 less than the Baofeng. Looks like the Baofeng brand is beginning to be worth something.