Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Blackbox (Baofeng) Base Station

A while back I posted about what I called the Blackbox Baofeng Base Station. The guys over at BuyTwoWayRadios discuss the Blackbox base station on their podcast. They've watched the video from Richard Klein (see below). There isn't a ton of information, so they speculate a little, ask some questions, and offer some opinions. I pretty much agree with everything they say - interesting idea, mounting to the wall would be odd unless the antenna rotates, either this is a repackaged Baofeng or they are taking advantage of popular (thus cheaper) components, and the $239.95 price tag means few amateurs will be interested.

What I don't understand is the comment left on their post - the name displayed with the comment is Richard Klein:
"You should ask questions before you post ignorant comments.
Yes we use a Baofeng keypad and screen due to low cost, but the entire thing from there is custom.
The power supply is modified to accept AC.
The speaker output is 3X a portable radio (4 Ohm speaker with amplifier).
The housing is custom.
The circuitry is completely modified with high quality shielding, voltage protection, and coil mod.
So you think it's a Vega from the headlights, but we wrapped it in a Ferrari body, and put a Maserati engine inside."
Drop the first and last lines and you've got a helpful response. I really don't think anything said in the podcast was as harsh as the response.


  1. If you don't want it to look like a Baofeng, don't use Baofeng'esq parts. $239 buys a lot of 5r's and Velcro to stick them to your shelves...

    IMHO, Bad Idea-start over

  2. What a load of sh!t.

  3. If it looks like sh!t t, it's sh!t.

  4. For this amount I could purchase 8 UV-5R radios to include shipping and taxes. This is completely wrong on so many levels.
