Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Frequency Counter Comparison Test

Miklor compares a few frequency counters.

Lots of options to choose from, but I agree that for these prices, you are hoping to be reasonably close. I think this video gives you a good idea of what you might get.

RK-560 Frequency Counter


FC2-Plus Portable Frequency Counter

FC1-Plus Portable Frequency Counter

IBQ101 Portable Frequency Counter

GY-560 GOOIT Portable Frequency Counter

GY561 Hand holding frequency and power meter

FC1N Portable Frequency Counter

FC2N Portable Frequency Counter


  1. I have an MFJ-886 counter that I use with my HW-8 and OHR100A QRP rigs. Serves me well. Readout parallels RBN reports of my 14.060 signal. I'm satisfied.

    1. Thanks for the note - I always believe there is a place for "good enough".

  2. I usually mute the 409Shop videos. :)
