Ten-Tec has been sold again. Click the link, but some highlights from John Henry (KI4JPL) below:
"I had a discussion with the new owner last night, and I wanted to relay
some information.
He is now officially the new owner of TEN-TEC.Plans...
He is planning the rigs and amplifiers and other accessory products to
engineer and to manufacture for the coming year to cover the purchase and
expenses for the year, working on the details of the various plans for
service, sales, and marketing, etc."
"Planning on having the OMNI-VII back in production in 1st quarter 2016,hoping to ship in 2nd quarter 2016.
Dayton, He will be there, going to try to get the same TEN-TEC booth/booths
as possible. Showcasing the existing products, and possibly something new
based on the existing products, time will tell.
He did say that he will either bring back the Orion II or have an Orion
III. Time frame is tbd. could be as early as end of 2016 or Dayton 2017????
There might be improvements/changes to certain rigs, e.g. maybe there will
be an OMNI-VII+ maybe an OMNI-VIII in a year???
The Eagle will go back into production some time after the 1st OMNI-VII run.
Prices will return to the original pre liquidation sale prices when the newAnd ouch...!
website is up so that each will be at a point that will make enough profit
to make the company viable. Other features will get added where possible."
"TEN-TEC was actually shipping a $200 bill with every one of a specificRaising capital...
model that it sold this last year."
"There might be a need in the future to try to raise some
more capital if certain plans come to fruition with commercial and fema
customers, if those work out, may need to raise some cash to buy the parts,
so there might be a gofundme funding campaign set up, where amateur
customers can help donate to purchase the parts, and then part of or all of
or x times the amount of the donation is taken off of their next order of a
TEN-TEC product > a certain dollar amount."
"To do this first class, we need a 200K capital infusion for a new factory building andVia Sparky's
some new equipment to replace what was liquidated if anyone cares to step
up and accelerate our success. 400K would give us the facility, equipment
and capitol to put everything back in production to a stocking basis and
allow us to complete the Orion III. If 400 people will give us 1K each, we
will commit to the Orion III of your dreams in 18-24 months and give you 2K
off the target price of 5K as well as engrave your name and call on a
plaque on the new building that says you helped build it and save TEN TEC."
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