Showing posts with label iProducts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iProducts. Show all posts

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A $250-$300 'iPad Mini'?

Apple Is Reportedly Working On A $250-$300 'iPad Mini':
"Apple is developing a low-cost iPad, which could appear in early 2012, says Ticonderoga Securities analyst Brian White.
White calls it an "iPad mini," because he thinks it will be priced in the "mid-to-high $200 range." The size of the iPad mini could be exactly the same, White doesn't necessarily think it's smaller"
True or not, it is a smart rumor to leak as it might dampen sales for Kindles, Nooks, and other lower cost tablets. My whole argument that these things aren't competitors goes out the window once they are all priced the same.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Speaking of Macs

I was told by a co-worker at a sister company that Macs are impervious to viruses. Well, lah de dah!

His statement makes this all the more fun... Hacking Apple Laptop Batteries. Forget borking the software, let's get the hardware.

(After seeing this post, I hope to incorporate the phrase "lah de dah" into all of my posts.)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Should Employees Provide Their Own Hardware and Software?

A discussion on about employees providing their own computers.

I'm not sold on this as a good idea for computers or even mobile phones. If we were to implement VDI of one flavor (VMware) or another (Microsoft), then the underlying hardware could be a non-issue.

We are currently providing limited support to a couple of Apple iProducts that employees have brought to the office. It gives us a chance to see what might evolve and build a business case without a significant investment or taking on risk.