Tuesday, June 5, 2012

TYT TH-9800: Name Confusion & Pictures

I think the problem is even worse than calling the "Quad" a "Dual" when you have a single band version, too - all under the TH-9800 model.

Kight Radio has this update on 03 JUN 2012:
"I would like to make something clear. Someone is posting on groups that the TH-9800 at Dayton was a dummy non working model. This is not true. The TH-9800 at Dayton was a fully operating unit and it was plugged in at Dayton so people could play with it. This sale person is posting that it is a Dual Band mobile and not a Quad Band mobile. That is also not true. The unit is Quad Band however on the sales information, TYT calls it a Dual Band. I have talked with them many times about them calling it Dual Band and telling them they should call it a Quad Band but they just do not understand. I then put alot of thought to that and I have backed off in trying them to change it to Quad Band. If they realized it as a Quad Band and different then the others that will come out, that might cause them to raise the starting price so I have backed off with hopes of a lower starting price. On the catalog page of the TH-9800 on this site, I posted actual pictures of the TH-9800 I had just before returning to TYT."
The Kight Rado photos are below.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It looks good, but 4 bands and then just one antenna connector? Or is this version a single-band radio?
    73 Ben - PA2OLD

    1. I assume this is the quad band based on what he wrote.

  3. A front panel pic is up on tyt's website under products\mobile Th-9800, none of the info headers link to specs. Picture looks real rather than cgi but that could be the size of the picture.

    Microphone looks fully loaded....

