A little about the company...
Founded in January 1993. Factory whole area is 24,000squre meter located in Quanzhou,Fujian.There are over 300 full-time employee.
Qixiang is a high-tech enterprise specialized in developing, producing and selling wireless communication equipment such as Handheld Two Way Radio, Vehicle Radio,Citizen Band Radios,Repeater for cell phone network, Mobile phone Jammer, etc. | |
Qixiang annually invests over 10% of sales revenue into R&D.About 50 engineers keep transforming advanced technologies into innovative products. Qixiang is the contributor to several major international standard as FCC,CE,ROHS. We assure 18 months Quality Guarantee for product(the unit ).Strong ability in OEM/ODM, our production line has been strictly tested by QC department; out sale's team aim to supply you with high-quality after-sale service; the high-tech equipped facilities is a guarantee for high-quality products, such as HP8921, Marconi 2955 and Motorola 2600, Anritsu Ms8604A (100Hz-8.5GHz) and HP8753D (30KHz-6GHz). Besides that, we have two SMT machines made by JUKI Japan and several production lines. High & low temperature test and humidity test is our regular job every day.
Your success is our achievement; let's create a win-win future together. Qixiang Electron Science & Technology Co., Ltd will be acted as your golden supplier in China.
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