Friday, February 22, 2013

Anytone AT-5888UV: INTEK HR-2040

A little information and a minor rant...
A post in the Anytone AT-588 Yahoo Group (that was deleted) pointed out the AT-5888UV is being sold as the INTEK HR-2040 at MoonRaker for £200 (GBP). INTEK has the radio listed on their site as well.

Now for the rant...

The owner of the Anytone AT-588 Yahoo Group closed the topic saying that it wasn't "a place to advertise other radios."

He goes on to say:
"And it could be a counterfeit which is not uncommon. I know there are counterfeit Wouxun handhelds out their that look and feel like the real thing. Anyway the less chatter about other brands in here the better."
"Certainly looks like the AT5888UV. Start your own Yahoo group called Intek_HR2040 and go talk about it there."
To me this is all a little heavy handed. Based on his other posts, he has a relationship with Anytone and I suspect that he does not want to jeopardize that - thus the "advertise other radios" remark. However, I think it is of interest to owners (and potential owners) of this radio what versions of the unit are floating around out there. If the HR-2040 is actually a re-branded AT-588(8)UV, then Anytone should be happy for any sales of the radios. If they are completely different radios internally and are only cosmetically similar, that's important, too. We've already seen different versions of the 588(8), so I think is reasonable to want to know how the HR-2040 compares. If we discover it is a horrible counterfeit, it would be a great service to make that information known.


  1. The list owner is a bit of a jerk.

  2. Its me that passed the detail onto the group, I had quite a few nice comments from those who were glad of the information!

    I don't think Intek are going to put their name to counterfeiting rigs. Intek is quite a big company based in Italy, however I think their buying power might have something to do with a lower price than the Anytone version?

    Most of these Chinese companies badge up for other operations, if you want a Brick O' Lore version. I am sure they would oblige if you pay the right amount of coinage?

    I intend to buy an Intek HR-2040 version. I will let you know what I think of it during the next few weeks. I might be prepared to start a group to support it too.

    73 Steve


    1. Thanks for sharing it with us! I'd love to hear your results.

    2. Thanks for that e-mail you sent me, Steve. Unfortunately I had no time to blog about anything. Brick took over, fortunately.

    3. Along with your research Hans, at least we proved it was just a game of "Branding", CRT270M another. I don't know what to name a group now to cover the same rig with umpteen different names, any ideas?

      73 Steve


    4. I would name it Anytone AT-588UV since that is where it starts.

      I would add the other names/models in the description.

    5. Anytone AT-5888UV is REPLICA of Intek HR-2040!

      If you want to buy AT-5888UV and Intek HR-2040, order from here:

      W W W . V I T A L I O K S H O P . C O M

      Intek is shipped by EXPRESS MAIL from European Union!

  3. Yea i dont really care for the owner either. He is way too strict about alot of stuff. Im not saying that it should be a free-for-all, but i would like to know about other radios. Also how he was getting on peoples cases about modifying the radio and discussing stuff like that he put an end to that as well. If i join a group about a radio i want to know everything, good, bad, counterfiet, and so-on. Running a list where you can only talk about that radio specifically, and only factory approved uses and functions is kind of a disservice to the members. Speaking of doing a disservice, that brings me to when he got on peoples cases for comparing features of other radios and discussing how it stacked up against the competition.... If there was another group for this radio with the same activity and knowlege base of this one, but without the stubborn cranky owner, i would join it in a heartbeat

    1. That's another good point about the legal discussions/mods. What is illegal in the US isn't elsewhere, so talking about it should be fair game on these groups that are international in nature.

  4. The list owner used to import Wouxun rigs until he fell out with them
    and now runs a business promoting Anytone. Just like his Wouxun group,
    his Yahoo groups are NOT really for discussing technical issues but are nothing more than his own sales and marketing tools !

    I got booted off his group for mentioning this ;-)

    Ny attutude towards these commericial abusers is to just keep spreading
    the word and annoying the heck out of them.

  5. Start a free Anytone AT-5888UV / INTEK HR-2040 and look-a-likes group.
    Would by interesting.

  6. I waited nearly 8 months to make up my mind about this radio, reading all the good (and bad) stuff on his group. I didn't mind the quirks; I just had to "wait my turn" for one due to the nearly 3month delivery date. This self proclaimed 'guru' (his own self description!) with his " I will tell you what to discuss and when" made my decision for me; I withdrew from this loser's group, bought a TM-D710A and joined THEIR group!

    1. What kind of inexpensive Chinese radio is the TM-D710A?


  7. I found the Kenwood TM-D710A see:
    73 Ben - PA2OLD

  8. For some reason these sellers are all seem to be quite eccentric. Look no further than the other fellow who runs his shop from China part of the year. Come to think of it, the same could be said for a seller who serves in the area I live. Nice folks usually, but could be overly passionate, you just don't know what sets them off...
