"My goal today is to first let you know what sort of equipment is out there -- friendly, enemy, captured enemy, and to teach you ComSec in a nutshell, so you won't get yourself killed or give the enemy valuable intelligence."
Edgar covers a lot of ground over the next few pages:
- HF
- signals propagating, bouncing off the ionosphere
- sunspot cycle
- sky wave
- ground wave
- direction finding
- near vertical incidence
- line of sight
- 2M HTs
- modifying radios that could transmit 118 to 180 megahertz, but limited by FCC to 144 to 148, so they opened them up to 140 - 170
- frequency agile radios
- mods to CBs
- antennas
"Speaking of CBs, you should try to and locate a Uniden President HR2510. This is a ham radio that you can modify to transmit and receive in the citizen's band range. You can open this model up all the way from 26 to 30 megs. It has a frequency counter that you can finetune down to 10 kilohertz."He then continues the lesson talking about:
- modifying cellular telephones
- working split
- Kenwood TH-79A
- cross-band operating
- operating AM on typical FM frequencies
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