Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

American Gods

 Another good one... American Gods by Neil Gaiman for $1.99 (Kindle edition).  I still need to watch the TV series based on it.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Fall; or, Dodge in Hell

I read this when it came out and, as usual with Neal Stephenson's stuff, I really enjoyed it.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

No Nonsense Extra Class License Study Guide

 I'd really like to get back into ham radio... seeing the updated No Nonsense Extra Class License Study Guide by KB6NU makes me wonder if I could make time to get ready for an upgraded license.

(I've always thought the biggest benefit of winning the lottery would be the time you get by having all that money.)

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The Hunger Games Trilogy

There must be something in the water... another deal on a book series. This time it is The Hunger Games Trilogy in Kindle format for $1.99.

The Silo Series Collection: Wool, Shift, Dust, and Silo Stories

I love this series... The Silo Series Collection: Wool, Shift, Dust, and Silo Stories and $1.99 for the omnibus Kindle version is a deal.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The Three-Body Problem Series

I am really enjoying The Three-Body Problem series. It has been a long time since I've plowed through anything with this sort of speed or consistency. (I'm about 30% done with the third book, but I've only had it for four days.)

Monday, March 16, 2020

Book Deal: Hyperion

If you are stuck inside and looking for something to do, I recommend picking up Hyperion for only $2.99.

I've written about stuff by Dan Simmons before... here and here.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

You Shall Know a Man... how he treats his books. I'm Neutral Good/True Neutral. My daughter is Chaotic Neutral.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Leviathan Wakes (The Expanse Book 1) Kindle Edition

I bought the Leviathan Wakes (The Expanse Book 1) a few years ago. My only complaint about the book is that you'll end up buying the others in the series. (It's been fun watching the series on Syfy and I'll follow it to Amazon Video.)

Friday, August 31, 2018

The Right Stuff

I recently finished Scott Kelly's Endurance. He credits Tom Wolfe's The Right Stuff as being his inspiration for becoming an astronaut. I've seem the movie, but not read the book - so it's on my liast. You can get the Kindle version of The Right Stuff for $5 today.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Terror

So I'm not really sure how I started watching "The Terror" on AMC, but I was quickly hooked. I eventually realized that show was based on the book of the same name by Dan Simmons. I'd read all his Hyperion Cantos series.

The book is about an actual 1845 English expedition to find the Northwest Passage, but the story has been fictionalized and includes a strong mystical element. To borrow a quote from Armageddon, the arctic north is "the scariest environment imaginable."

I can't even begin to understand what would make men want to undertake this venture given the technology and resources of that day.

It's a long read, but definitely worth it ($8.99 Kindle Book).

(And the TV series is worth watching, too. You'll probably recognize at least a couple of the actors.)

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Kingkiller Chronicle

So the Kingkiller Chronicles might end up as a series on Showtime. This could be a great option for The Game of Thrones fans. Of course, the author (Patrick Rothfuss) works like George R.R. Martin - we have been waiting about 7 years for book 3 in the trilogy.

I'm re-reading the first book: The Wise Man's Fear.

I love the stories within stories. I'm reading it with a little more care as I try to come up with some theories for the last book.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Iron Gold: Book 4 of the Red Rising Saga

I thought Red Rising series was going to be a three book series, but Iron Gold: Book 4 of the Red Rising Saga is out as of today. As luck would have it, I'm between books, so I guess I'll pony up the $15 for this one.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Fields of Fire

I've been getting most of my books via electronic loan from my public library. It's a shame they won't have Marko's latest: Fields of Fire (Frontlines Book 5).

The timing is good as I'm like #5 or worse on all the books in my library's queue, so I'll pony up a whole $5 for this one and have something to read now. (The other books are still $1 for the Kindle version if you need to catch up.)

Monday, February 6, 2017

Fields of Fire and the Frontlines series

Marko Kloos is about to release the latest in his Frontlines series - Fields of Fire (Book 5). I can't get his books for free at library, so I will shell out the $5 on Amazon for it. If you've not read the others, he's got them on sale for a dollar each. Obviously, he's trying to get you hooked, so you'll spend the big bucks like me.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

All the Light We Cannot See

So not really about ham radio, but radios play a central role in All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. The book is set in WWII and tracks a young French girl and German boy as their lives intersect thanks to the magic of radio. I just finished it and it is definitely one of my favorite reads in the past couple of year.