A link was posted on the (X1M) Yahoo Group to a beta version of a firmware update for the X108, so Ed (Import Communications) chimed in with the following:
"11/11/14The factory has finally finished the firmware update to correct the few bugs that have been reported. They are testing it and should release it shortly. I will email all owners when it's ready and will also place it in the files section of this group.
The factory says they will design their own microphone instead of depending on the clone mics they are now using. They say this won't take long and I'll keep everyone posted on how this plays out.
One of the bugs that bugged me was the noise blanker. Some worked but most did not. When I reported the problem, I assumed it was a firmware problem but that is not the case. It seems two diodes on the NB board are reversed. I'm not sure how this will get corrected because I haven't looked to see the physical size of the diodes involved. My first thoughts are to get a supply of correct boards and swap them out.
That's all I have for now.
Import Communications"
The update notes that were posted initially said:
Update records:
Updated: 2014.11.09
Firmware filename: X108_FW_V135_SOFTPTT
Firmware version number: V1.35B
1, the band changes and then return to the previous band, the frequency remains the original frequency;
2, increasing the key lock function;
3, increasing microphone in hand UP and DN keys to control the stepping of continuous functions;
4, increase the size of the adjustment menu CW Tone
5. PTT microphone in hand to improve immunity.
The guy hinting to the beta FW was me. Still waiting for my X108 but I am afraid not all the bugs the early buyers face can be fixed be updating the firmware. Hope I am wrong...
ReplyDeleteAndy DC3AFA