Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Baofeng Tech: UV-2501+220 Picture and More Info

So in addition to 220 MHz, the Baofeng Tech UV-2501+220 will...
"...still have the full UV-2501 enhancements: 
- Display Sync
- Scrambler
- The wider coverage range (up to 520mhz)
- Menu and Programming lock-out
- The larger HD mic (not the low end mics shipped with QYT / Juentai variants)"
"...more tweaks not seen in the UV-2501: 
- H/L power switching from Mic (adjustable in VFO and MR modes)
- Audio Out Jack
- Built in Cooling Fan (allowing the mobiles to now be installed in tight spots)"
Based on the all the posts on the interwebs about the similar radios, the addition of the cooling fan is a huge improvement!

As if I wasn't excited enough, it sounds like they've got a few more things coming soon.


  1. So is this a tri-bander? Or will there be a 2m/70cm version with the latest enhancements?

    220 is totally dead here but I'd like to get one of these enhanced versions.

    1. This is a tri-band radio. I'd bet the enhancements will be shared among all the models.
