Showing posts with label Kindle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kindle. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tablet Links

What a tangled web we weave...

Color Kindle? Running Android?

Eric Schmidt: The Next Big Android Launch is Coming in Oct or Nov

Sony Tablet Wonder if they will make some slick device and then wreck it by making it proprietary.

Amazon’s Future Is So Much Bigger Than a Tablet - I like the line saying that the Kindle isn't a book - it is a bookstore. begins rolling out new homepage design - so it is easier for tablet users?

Amazon Book Service Rent books on demand?

Low Expectations for the Amazon Tablet?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

$60 Ziplock Bag for iPad

As an iPad owner, I feel free to criticize dumb iPad accessories like the DryCase. It makes my brain hurt on so many levels, not the least of which is the fact that you can't read the iPad in direct sunlight anyway. They say it can be used by Kindle owners, too, but I feel like Kindle people are more practical and less prone to be a sucker to marketing.

Via Lifehacker

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Deal You Can't Refuse

M.J. Mollenhour, whom I had the pleasure to meet, is celebrating the imminent release of his new book by dropping the price of his first thriller to $0.99!

I don't have a Kindle, but I've got an iPad on the way and I have the Kindle client on my Android phone. I've downloaded some of the free books, but this was my first Kindle purchase. Perfect timing as I head to the beach in the near future.

Get it here:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kindle Price Trajectory

Some speculation that Kindles will eventually follow the razor and razor blades model at the Business Insider - see chart below. I have less problem with the $135 for the Kindle than I do for the ridiculous price of the books. I'd be happy to have a "free" Kindle, but I can't see paying extra for an eBook. Sure, it has advantages, but the cost to sell it to me have to be lower, too. Seriously, Amazon's incremental cost must be almost nothing. And there is always the chance Amazon could delete the book from my device. I know that they are looking at ways to enable loaning eBooks, but nothing beats the simplicity of sharing a hard copy.

For example, I bought my used copy of Atlas Shrugged at McKay Books for about $8. The Amazon alternatives:

Paperback - $14.66, Kindle Edition - $18.99

Atlas ShruggedAtlas Shrugged: (Centennial Edition)