arrl Coming Soon: New ARRL Membership Benefits: The ARRL is excited to announce two new membership benefits that will..., Mar 20 10:34:50 from twitterfeed
"In addition to the print copy of QST, all members will have access to an online digital edition of QST -- at no extra cost. You will be able to access QST from anywhere -- on nearly any computer, laptop, mobile device, smartphone and tablet (including Apple iPad, iPhone, iTouch and devices using the Android operating system).
Members will also gain access to archived issues of QST from December 1915 to the present; previously, only issues through 2007 have been available to members. If you are familiar with the current periodicals archive, that platform will be expanded to include all of QST from December 1915 through December 2011. A second, new archive will be introduced for issues beginning January 2012, featuring enhanced functionality including full-text search."