Monday, December 27, 2010

Winter is Coming

Winter is coming via an HBO series.

"Winter is coming" is the motto of House Stark from the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series by George R. R. Martin that I've mentioned in a previous post.

I think "Preppers" would appreciate the attitude of the Starks.

I don't have HBO, so I may have to figure out a way to watch it.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

New Ham Radio Setup - A Short Checklist

After we got the ICOM IC-7000 connected and powered up, my father-in-law/elmer suggested a few best practices.

1. Turn the transmit power down. This is good for a few reasons. If you don't have a good match to the antenna you might burn out your finals. When you are doing basic testing, you don't need to push max power into a dummy load.

2. Set the microphone gain. It is always a good idea to make sure you aren't too hot into the mic. The other hams will let you know if you "need to back off the mic." The IC-7000 has an ALC (Automatic Level Control) to smooth out the peaks. (We actually transmitted into the dummy load to adjust the settings - see #3).

3. Transmit into a dummy load. My father-in-law brought his Bird Wattmeter along with a MFJ Dummy Load and we connected it to the radio. We watched the meter and checked that the expected output matched what the meter was reading. The Bird can do forward and reflected power readings, so you could calculate SWR if you like. We got good readings during our testing - 5W out looked like 5W on the meter.

4. Check the SWR on the antenna. He also brought his MFJ-259B SWR Analyzer, so we used it to check our work on the dipoles and the ground plane install. You'll want to make sure your power is turned down, the frequency is clear, and that you are transmitting within your privileges. An ideal transmission line would have a 1:1 SWR. On the 10M and 20M, we were close to 1:1.5. The 15M wasn't as good as of a match. I need to play with the length, but I've not had time. Of course, I've not tried to do much on HF, so it hasn't mattered a whole lot.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Government Openness and Individual Privacy

It is a simple equation: Liberty is a function of Privacy of the People and Openness of the Government. Liberty decreases with the loss of privacy or openness.

I cannot fathom any reasonable arguments that would persuade me to think video-taping the police should be illegal. Who watches the watchmen?

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to one and all!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Why you shouldn't buy an iPad

Here are 10 Reasons you should not buy an iPad.

They include reasons like it is too expensive and that the new version (projected to be available in April) will be better.

I still want one.

How to Write Applications that Admins can Manage

A Plea to Software Vendors from Sysadmins - 10 Do's and Do Not's

I would add #11 - Don't require admin rights on the local machine to run the application.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

470 Amateur Radio Net Trivia

I learned a couple of things tonight during the trivia part of the 470 Amateur Radio Net.

Before there was SOS and Mayday, ham radio operators used "CQD" to indicate a distress call. "CQ" is used as general call for making a contact - appending the "D" indicated danger or distress.

Spark Gap Transmitters were used as digital communication before CW.

NASA CIO Letter to Santa

I'm not impressed with this letter to Santa by the NASA CIO. I thought I would give Ms. Cureton a second chance, so I watched her discuss cloud computing. She still didn't make me think she was a heavy hitter.

Maybe I should be CIO of NASA. I think it would be a cool gig. The first order of business would be to make everyone where gold, blue, or red shirts based on their role.

Vintage David Letterman: 6 Year Old Ham

The 6 year-old girl is demonstrating ham radio on the David Letterman Show in 1993. I'm sure the test she passed was harder than the one I took. Oh, the shame.

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Station Agent

The Station Agent is a great example of a movie that doesn't occur on some grand scale - it is just a movie about people, their personal struggles, and their evolving relationships. I have no idea why the XYL and I picked up this movie. We watched it some years ago and were quite surprised how much we enjoyed it. If you want more info regarding the plot, Wikipedia has the usual write-up. I generally enjoy action movies and thrillers with lots of twists, so the fact that I liked this says something I think.

The Station Agent