Thursday, August 4, 2011

Zuckerburg Thinks Using Real Names Creates a Polite Society

According to this article, Zuckerburg thinks requiring us to use our real names will make us play nice in the sandbox. Has he seen what people say using their real name? I don't argue that he has the right to determine how his business is run. I just think he is wrong.


Crimson Trace Light Guard

I keep thinking about getting a Glock 19 or a S&W M&P 9mm and the Crimson Trace Light Guard would be a nice addition.

Check out the picture from pdb Reviews The Crimson Trace Light Guard: Part 1 that compares the Light Guard and TLR-1. I really like the wide beam on the Light Guard.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Shipping Confirmation from Ham Radio Outlet

That was the title of an e-mail I received this morning. Something fun is on its way to Brick's shack.

Guns and Radios

I've visited on various occasions, but until I uncovered today's post about the Baofeng UV-3R, I had no idea that they had a Ham Radio section in their forums -- including Ham Radio 101 and 57 pages of Everything You Wanted to Know About Ham Radio But Were Too Confused to Ask.


My understanding of God's message is quite different from those discussed by Ken at Popehat. It is sad when the "good" guys aren't even close to being good. I'm not close to perfect, but it is hard to believe the people can reconcile being Christian and making comments like "can we start killing them now? few groups are filled with more hatred." In this case, they are talking about atheists, but it could be directed at just about any group that doesn't match their views.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Case for Pseudonyms

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) makes the case for Pseudonyms. I do not fear for my life, but I still think there ought to be some separation between personal and public - on-line pseudonyms seem to be a reasonable method for maintaining that separation. If I started doing evil things with this blog, then there is a legal process for finding out who am. Not that it would be that hard given the various tidbits of personal information I've provided in my posts to track me down IRL.

A Tax on People that are bad at Math?

I thought the lottery was supposed to be a tax on people who were bad at math - not a way to guarantee a profit for those that can count.

Via Slashdot

Silicon Valley and Knoxville

I was looking at the infograph about salaries in Silicon Valley and what appeared before my eyes... Knoxville used as a comparison. So you could make $38K in Knoxville and have the same standard of living as someone making $92 in Silicon Valley.

Via Business Insider

Monday, August 1, 2011

Gucci Gear

I have a friend who has been there and done that in the Middle East. We were talking about AR-15's and all the equipment (lasers, range finders, flashlights, tool kits, red dots, etc.) you can put on them. He said that they had taken to calling all that stuff "Gucci Gear." That fits in well with PDB's idea of the Tactical Metrosexual.


While the rest of the world is going to see Captain America, Captain America, Captain America, and even Cowboys and Aliens, I went to see a horror movie about the fearsome Backson.

Owl: It's a Giant creature with a tail
Here I'll draw Piglet in for scale
His hide is like a shaggy rug
His face a surely ugly mug
With two sharp horns atop his head
In between a mop of hair that's red
And in his nose a ring of gold
It smells of monkey's feet and mold
Its toes are black
Its fur is blue
I swear that all I tell you is not made up
The Backson!
All: The Backson!
Owl: The Backson!
All: The Backson

My two and a half year old loved it and I thought it was pretty entertaining, too. There were several clever word plays that made me laugh. The closing credits were really cool, too.