Friday, August 5, 2016

Amazon, Sunspring, and Skynet

Apparently Amazon's algorithm doesn't know all of your deepest, darkest desires since no one bought anything yesterday.

That failure along with this movie created by an AI that was fed bunches of sci-fi scripts makes me feel like we are safe from Skynet for a while yet.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

DV4Mobile:Price Estimate and More

I'm behind on the DV4Mobile posting... here's one to catch up via the CS7000 Yahoo Group:
"Powered by a 1.8 GHz Linux computer, 3 SDR's, 2 AMBE chips and will be 20 watts.
Expected price: $900-1200 dollars"

There are the ham things you are looking for...

So Amazon sent me an e-mail saying that you, my true and faithful readers, would need the things below. I'm posting them 1) as a blatant capitalist ploy to get rich and 2) to see if the Amazon algorithms are any good at all (meaning someone actually does click a link and makes a purchase). So don't click if you want to prove that life is not predestined and that a computer doesn't know everything about you.

Oh, ham stuff and one book. Go figure.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Monday, August 1, 2016

Emoji Gun Control

Because you can trace all gun violence back to the emoji?

Hamvention to Greene Co Fair and Expo Center