I've used Boomerang (for Outlook) and like it, except there was no quick option to have a message reappear in three days - critical for the Friday to Monday period.
TechHit has released SnoozeIt which is a similar tool. I already use TwInbox - which is their plugin to get tweets in my Outlook. I might have to check it out.
An update... before I got this posted, I saw KK Cool Tools recommending Boomerang for Gmail. What really caught my attention was this:
"You also — and this is a sweet add-on — get to choose whether you want the message to Boomerang as a function of whether your email receives a reply, is not clicked, is not opened, or regardless. So if you you choose to only Boomerang in 1 week if there is no reply because you want to make sure your email is attended to, and then the recipient replies in 2 days, your email will not come back to you in 1 week."Cool indeed.