Showing posts with label Transceiver. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Transceiver. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Favorite HT?

Rob Law, MW0DNKIcom IC-E92D – Why This Is My ‘Staple’ Handheld

I really like my Yaesu VX-3R because of its size and ability to receive on so many frequencies.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

Ten-Tec 539 QRP Transceiver: Q&A with Ten-Tec

Tom Witherspoon, K4SWL, of QRPer has an interview with the Ten-Tec team regarding the 539 where several questions about the rig are answered. Some notes that struck me... it might get 160M, probably less than $1000, and can be computer controlled via USB. There is also some information about the Model 418 Amplifier.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ten-Tec 539 QRP Transceiver

I missed the Ten-Tec hamfest this year, so I also missed the preview of the 539 QRP Transceiver. Speculation is that the 10W unit will also have an optional amplifier to take it to 100W. Check the links at the bottom of this post for more info. I'd like to own a piece of Ten-Tec equipment, just because they are local. This might be it.

Ten-Tec Model 539 10W QRP Transceiver

  • Bands: 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15 10 meters
  • AM, USB, LSB, CW Modes built-in
  • Tricolor backlight internally adjustable
  • Several features and hardware in common with Eagle Model 599
  • 3 Crystal filter slots
  • Same DSP as used in the 599
  • Noise Reduction, Noise Blanker, Selectable Fast/Med/Slow AGC, RIT, PreAmp, 100 Memories, etc.
  • Legendary TenTec CW Performance
  • Two VFO Displays (single receiver)
  • Estimated product availability Mid-2012

(Picture from QRPer.)

As with all things ham, there is a Yahoo Group: Ten-Tec 539 Yahoo Group

Looks like this won't be ready for Christmas.

Via QRPer via VA3STL

Thursday, October 6, 2011

First Radio for a Ham? A Scanner.

Not a bad idea... you can save some wear and tear on the nicer equipment. From Ron Hashiro:
"So, the initial temptation might be to get a transmitter or a combination transmitter-receiver called a transceiver. But, you might underbuy or overbuy on your equipment. So, it makes sense to try it out on a comparatively inexpensive solution. Get a "police" scanner first.
Scanners can go through a number of frequencies very quickly. You can monitor all the popular repeaters and simplex frequencies in a matter of about one or two seconds. I listen to the local frequencies with a scanner, and when I hear someone that I want to talk with, I turn on my radio (if it's not on) and make a contact."
Via the 470 ARG