Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wouxun Mobile (KG-UV920R) - Vaporware?

I've been hoping for the release of Wouxun's KG-UV920R for some time now. Speculation was rampant that it would do for mobile radios what the KG-UVD1P did for HTs - a low price and lots of features.

Ed Griffin, from www.wouxun.us, recently posted this on a radio forum:
"No word on the mobile. But I will have a surprise at Dayton, and no it's not the mobile."
Ed Greany, another reseller who provides a lot of support to the Wouxun community, had this to say on the same forum:
"Personally, I'm REALLY tired of hearing about it. It's been over 6 months since it was leaked and there is absolutely NO word from China as to 1) IF it exists, 2) WHEN it will be released, 3) IF it will be Certified or 4) WHAT the price might be.

I stopped answering these inquiries. I suggested long ago that people STOP inquiring about it since that only drives the price up due to the spirited interest. High demand = High price. Some people just don't understand the evonomics of that principal.

Basically, all the U.S. dealers want it to come out and want to sell it. That's what we are in business for. None of us know any more information than you presently know right now. My most recent inquiry was "it is still in testing." Does that mean Wouxun's Test Lab or FCC Certification Lab or some highschool kid's chemistry lab. Nobody knows!

For now, pretend it was a dream and it really does not exist."
Makes me think I should start looking for alternatives for a dual band, dual receive, cross band repeating mobile rig.

Giveaway on Survival Mom

Survival Mom has teamed up with INeed2Prepare to give away 60 servings of their grab and go food. Follow the link here, decide what would be your favorite flavor, and post a comment on her site.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Who needs data?

An article from the Student Free Press on the bill to allow guns on campus... a pretty typical write-up, but this quote caught my eye:
“The safety and security of our students, faculty and staff is paramount among our priorities, said Hank Dye, Vice President for Public and Governmental Relations. “We agree with law enforcement professionals who say ‘guns on campus’ is a bad idea…Our campus security officers feel strongly that the introduction of firearms into that kind of mix hinders rather than helps in the safety equation.”
Oh wait, they feel strongly that guns would limit safety. As long as it is a strong feeling, I guess that is okay. It is a shame there isn't a method to test the validity of theories or some group that could help analyze data.

Coal Creek Armory - Annual Pass Deal

It used to be on Half-off Depot, but one of my friends found the half price deal here. Get a one-year membership to Coal Creek Amory's indoor shooting range for $99.50.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Atlas Shrugged

I was disappointed to learn that Knoxville wasn't on the list of theaters to get Atlas Shrugged. Even though I wasn't going to drive to Nashville to see it, I have been hustling to finish the book before the movie comes out on April 15th. (Nothing like having a goal to actually motive me.) I've got about 100 pages left as of this moment. Good thing that I continued to push as they've announced that they will be showing it in Knoxville!

It will be playing at the Regal Downtown West Cinema 8.

140 Character Resume

Inspired by this article, my Twitter-friendly resume follows:
Run global IT for auto manuf co. Built 2 new plants (data center, staff, implemented Oracle ERP). Survived financial crisis using cloud & VM

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Extreme Coding

A firm is hiring programmers to work in the nude. After seeing the article, my first thought was "I wouldn't want to work there. They are still using CRTs!"

Via Slashdot.org

I Before E Except After C = You Lie!

I'm always amazed to see how our minds work. Apparently, context impacts our ability to think logically.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ban on Bodies of Water

I think we should ban large bodies of water. Too many people drown because of large bodies of water.

What you say? Swimming lessons? That's just crazy talk. Next thing you know, you will want people to have basic firearm safety training, too.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Guess I need an AK

Slim has been after me to buy an AR-15 lower, but after reading this, I think I need an AK.
"The AK is ideal if you’ve got a lot of poorly motivated and led illiterate peasants without a lot of technical skill or supply depth.

The AR is more demanding to build, maintain, and train on, but is also more rewarding of that effort."
I'm not illiterate, but I'm not highly trained, have minimal technical skill, and no supporting supply options.

Also, not currently a peasant.