Showing posts with label X1MKII. Show all posts
Showing posts with label X1MKII. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Import Communications Updates

Ed sent out a newsletter with several updates:

September 16, 2014

Dear Customers,

We have some new items at Import Communications with features not found on other imported radios. Things like Frequency Hopping, 2-Tone pager mode and AM Airband receive, just to name a few. Please visit our home page for more details.

AT-3318UV-A ............................. in stock now

  • Can double as a 2-Tone Pager (any one of 16 different 2-Tone tones can be assigned to any saved channel)
  • Both 2-Tone & 5-Tone decode and encode
  • PTT id
  • CTCSS & DCS (that work correctly in receive mode)
  • Stun / Kill
  • Memory banks (10 banks, up to 32 channels per bank)
  • Assign any channel to multiple banks
  • Assign any or all banks as “active”
  • Add or remove active banks by key-press
  • Fast Scan Rate / Normal Scan Rate, you choose
  • Scanning resumes automatically after off/on cycle
  • Can operate both VFO and Memory mode at the same time
  • Display the frequency of a named channel with a button push
  • Independent squelch level for each channel
  • Squelch level adjustable on-the-fly
  • Remove channel from scan list via the keypad
  • Totally lock keypad but still change channels and adjust squelch
  • Single or dual PTT buttons
  • Talk-around button
  • No battery drain during storage
  • FCC Part 90 certified

AT-3318UV-D ............................ in stock now
  • All of the above features, plus
  • TRUE DUAL BAND, receive two signals at the same time
  • Transmit and Receive at the same time
  • AM Aircraft band receive
  • FM broadcast receive
  • Shortwave & Longwave receive
  • MSK encode & decode
  • FHSSFrequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (for private, undetectable transmissions)

AT-3318UV-E ........................... in stock now, limited supply
  • All of the above feature, plus
  • Tri-Band Radio - transmit three bands
                    Transmit 136-174 MHz (5 watts)
                                      222-225 MHz (4 watts)
                                      400-520 MHz (4 watts)
                      Receive 136-174 MHz
                                      220-260 MHz
                                      400-520 MHz
                                         64-108 MHz FM (FM Broadcast)
                                       117-137 MHz AM (AM Aircraft Band)
                                       2.3-29.9 MHz AM (Shortwave Band)
                                     520-1710 kHz AM (AM Broadcast)

AT-5888UV III ........................... available mid-October

  • Tri-Band Mobile
  • This radio will be available October 2014
                       Transmit 136-174 MHz
                                         222-225 MHz
                                         400-490 MHz
                         Receive 108-174 MHz (AM Aircraft Band)
                                         136-174 MHz
                                         200-260 MHz
                                         400-490 MHz

Xiegu QRP Transceivers

  • 9 band, 1-20 watt SSB, AM & CW Transceiver
  • This exciting new model can be ordered now for delivery in early October

  • 5 band, 5 watt SSB & CW Transceiver
  • Not a new product, but still popular and in stock

Rexon Aircraft Transceivers ...................... in stock, limited supply
  • AM & FM modes
  • Includes VOR with CDI
  • 108 – 143.975 AM & FM

Thank you for your continued support.


Monday, August 4, 2014

Xiegu X108: In the Wild

"Verify machines are sent out, waiting for feedback friends. 
Today is relatively free, I would say some of the X108 is the development of things.
This year in March, when talking with friends X1M, both at home and abroad X1M reputation is still very good, standard indicators that can withstand the test of combat, is a very useful little machine. From our current statistical data, there are about more than 200 domestic users. During also a lot of good feedback comments and suggestions. X1M design is a very simple little machine, only this, so there are a lot of problems and regret, therefore, that there was a domestic Blue and Platinum Both improved X1M, Platinum Edition software The hardware is relatively mature and stable, and it is the largest volume of a model. X1M offering so far there are more than two years, a friend on the proposal, said that a "Commemorative Edition", I also have this effect, so put this matter on the agenda. 
After a commemorative program improvement, only to find that, already out of the scope of a commemorative edition, a new machine, Oh, this is the X108. From mid-April to mid-June, during which a total of PCB board voted three times, each time to improve some of the problems and pitfalls, until I post published the fourth edition of PCB has also been issued to the plate and started trial production of small quantities of ready thing. In other words, the current demonstrator for the fourth edition. During this period, in order to ensure excellent overall performance, our team made ​​improvements in this salute them! In the mind of the customer is responsible, before the problem is not completely resolved, we prefer to offer machines come later, and never rush to finish the work and progress, this is our point of view, but also to the X108 is like waiting for a friend to say again a sorry ah. 
Currently, the verification has been done, the relevant information is collected also began corresponding improvement work has been in progress, production ready also intense, we only hope that we get the X108 is an excellent performance of the machine , is one worthy of the price of the machine, everybody is a trusted machine. 
As in the end how this machine, and the data on the testers to speak it"

Monday, June 16, 2014

More Amplifier News

When I saw all the information about the Xiegu amplifiers (XPA100XPA20), I thought I would check with Ed at Import Communications. He says he should have an American designed 20W amplifier that matches the X1M form factor available in kit form by the end of the month.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Xiegu X1MKII: Availibility

Ed (Import Communications) continues with the updates by saying that the X1MKII should be available in July. No pricing yet.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Xiegu X1M: X1MKII

So we have the X1M which is listed as the v2.01 edition on the manufacturer's web page. And Sparky has pictures and specs of X1MKII.

I'm making an assumption based on the name and the fact that he has pictures of the X1M and X1MKII together that they are both Xiegu rigs. It should be no surprise that the naming conventions are creating some confusion - at least for me. (As I go deeper down the rabbit hole, I'm less convinced this is true -keep reading.)

My Google-Fu leads me to this Chinese forum and 49 pages of comments about the X1MKII. I read lots of the pages - too many excited, but irrelevant posts - to make information gathering easy A circuit diagram from the first post.

BG8HT, who is posting this information, has a blog. Here are some specs from a later post including a note about the model being X1N (tentative). Then I see on his blog where the name changes from the X1N to the X1MKII.
Released some details of the parameters:
Model: X1N (tentative)
transceiver Frequency range: 0.5 ~ 30MHz
contain all WAC-band, the amateur bands assurance indicators optimal;
Mode: SSB / CW / NFM / AM / RTTY / the FSK
output power: 8W @ 12.5V
internal standing wave detection, power detection / protection
Output Power 1 ~ 10W ​​continuously adjustable
built-in automatic key, pre-amplifier, pre-fader with AGC, ALC, NB, RIT, SPL.MEM commonly used functions such as digitized FM launch
external ATU interface, audio input and output ports, external PTT control, CI-V interface
receiver sensitivity: better than 0.3uV (available)
transmitter spurious @ harmonics rejection: better than-45dBc (amateur band)
In trying to decipher the translations, BG8HT may have bought the X1M as a kit. I can't tell if he is just testing it and reporting his findings or if he has a closer relationship to Xiegu. I'm even fuzzier on what is going on with the X1MKII. Now I'm wondering if it is even a Xiegu project.