Monday, March 18, 2013

Conspiracy Theory

My mind has officially been blown. I don't know if I will ever believe anything ever again. Too many coincidences. Too many improbabilities. Everything I thought I knew to be true since the seventies... my world is upside down.

Trials and Tribulations

If this ham doesn't have enough aches and pains to fit in, he just needs to start training for a marathon.

Soldering Irons

Various shapes and sizes.

Friday, March 15, 2013

IT Analogy For Cars

Usually it is the other way around... from an article about car makers fudging the fuel efficiency numbers.
"This is no different from dot matrix printer specifications from long ago. Sure your printer would do 250cps as long as all the characters were the number 1."
"This needs to be modded up simply because it's a computer analogy for a car issue."

FCC IDs for Chinese Manufacturers

Here is a list in case anyone wants to look up some of our favorite Chinese manufacturers on the FCC site.

In the box labeled "Grantee Code," enter the three characters below.

Anytone: T4K
Baofeng: ZP5
Kirisun: Q5E
Puxing: AUJ 
TYT: X24
Vero Telecom: ZVM
Wouxun: WVT

Leave the second box blank and click the "Search" button.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Gorilla Arms Solution

With touch screens coming to a desktop near you, I am going to patent a solution to the Gorilla Arm issue.

I'm not sure what to call it, but it will be the upper body equivalent to the Lithotomy position - including stirrups.

Google Reader

I'm on a webinar with Google regarding changes to our spam filtering. Can't wait for the Q and A so I can ask them about killing Google Reader.


AnyTone AT-5888UV: Moleculo Review Finished

moleculo Wrapped up my review of the new Anytone AT-5888UV chinese mobile VHF/UHF #hamradio @, Mar 13 20:53:05 from TweetDeck

His conclusion is below, but read the article to get all the details.
"If you need a full featured VHF/UHF mobile radio for under $300 that includes programming software, this radio is for you. If you can spend another $100 for a radio, the Kenwood TM-V71A is a better all-around radio without the harsh RX artifacts while including support for external interfaces like a TNC. I will likely keep this radio as an inexpensive, use-anywhere radio but would probably recommend the TM-V71A as a better buy for most people."