Showing posts with label FCC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FCC. Show all posts

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Another 10 Years

I had to renew my ham license. The online process was painless. I had my FCC Registration Number (FRN) documented with my usual reference materials, so it meant I didn't have to go digging for it and avoided that headache.

I'm good for another ten years. Maybe I should actually get on the air again.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Part 95 Reform

Part 95 reform proposal...

WASHINGTON, May 18, 2017 – Today, the FCC took steps to update the Personal Radio Services rules, also known as Part 95 of the Commission’s rules, in order to modernize them, remove outdated requirements, and reorganize them to make it easier to find information. 
Significantly, as part of this effort, the FCC addressed more than two dozen proposals submitted by interested parties.  Today’s action will result in a more consistent, clear, and concise set of rules that will better serve the needs of the public. 
The FCC Personal Radio Services rules cover a wide variety of wireless devices that are used by the general public.  These devices generally use low power levels, communicate over shared radio frequencies, and usually do not require an individual FCC license for each user.  Some common examples of Personal Radio Services devices are walkie-talkies; radio control toy cars, boats, and planes; hearing assistance devices; CB radios; medical implant devices; and Personal Locator Beacons. 
The revisions adopted today reflect a comprehensive reform that will simplify, streamline, and update these rules.  These changes will ensure that these rules reflect technological advances, recognize the 21st century uses of the Personal Radio Services, and are easy for the public to use and understand.
Specific reforms adopted in today’s Report and Order include:
- GMRS/FRS Reform: The Commission will increase the number of communications
channels for both General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) and Family Radio Service
(FRS), expand digital capabilities to GMRS, and increase the power/range for certain
FRS channels to meet consumer demands for longer range communications. 
- CB Reform: The Commission will update the Citizens Band (CB) rules, which are
decades old and contain outdated requirements that are no longer needed, including
labeling requirements and a limit on use of channels when conditions allow long range
communications.  The Commission will also clarify that hands-free devices can be used
with CB radios. 
-  Overall rule reform: The Commission will remove outdated and unnecessary rules,
change other rules to increase clarity and reduce potential confusion, and reorganize and
streamline all Part 95 rules to make them easier to understand.  The Commission will also convert rules to plain language format to make them more user-friendly. 
Action by the Commission May 18, 2017 by Report and Order (FCC 17-57).  Chairman Pai, and Commissioners Clyburn and O’Rielly approving and issuing separate statements. 
WT Docket No. 10-119; RM No. 10762; RM No. 10844"

Monday, July 11, 2016

GMRS License Fee Increase

From $65 to $70...

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Lifetime Amatuer License Proposal

FCC Seeks Comments on Petition to Grant Lifetime Amateur Radio Licenses:
"The FCC is seeking comments on a Petition for Rule Making (RM 11760) that asks the FCC to grant lifetime Amateur Radio licenses. Mark F. Krotz, N7MK, of Mesa, Arizona, filed his request with the FCC last November. He wants the FCC to revise § 97.25 of its rules to indicate that Amateur Radio licenses are granted for the holder’s lifetime, instead of for the current 10 year term."

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

FCC Fee Changes

FCC Eliminates Amateur Radio Vanity Call Sign Regulatory Fee
“The Commission often receives multiple applications for the same vanity call sign, but only one applicant can be issued that call sign,” the FCC explained. “In such cases, the Commission issues refunds for all the remaining applicants. In addition to staff and computer time to process payments and issue refunds, there is an additional expense to issue checks for the applicants who cannot be refunded electronically.”
FCC Eliminates GMRS Regulatory Fee:
"The fee, which was previously assessed at $5 per year, added $25 to the total cost of a GMRS license, which has a term of five years. While it does not eliminate the cost of a license altogether, the complete elimination of the regulatory fee brings the total cost of a General Mobile Radio Service license from $90 down to $65."

Friday, May 1, 2015

AnyTone Tech: FCC

Via AnyTone Tech on Google+:
"FAQ: GMRS, MURS, and Commercial: How does it work? A clarification for users as we update our FCC certificates: The radios modes are individually tested and certified in each mode. The modes are able to be locked down to exclusively operate in the radio mode selected, and are ONLY legal to be used on those frequencies while operating in the selected mode. (No GMRS or MURS use while in the Commercial/Amateur mode). These radios are not to be used on FRS as these are not FRS radios or certified for FRS use. There will not be a firmware update to allow simultaneous GMRS/MURS use with the Part 90 frequencies. The NSTIG-8R and ANILE-8R are not GMRS or MURS certified."
As a reminder, the TERMN-8R and OBLTR-8R have the MURS and GMRS capabilities. The NSTIG-8R and ANILE-8R do not.

Friday, March 13, 2015

AnyTone Tech TERMN-8R: FCC ID

People are always asking about the FCC information, so here is the label from the TERMN-8R.

Text from the image reads:


If you go to the FCC website, you can see the details.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Part 90 v Part 95: Fight!

KD0TLS on Part 90 and Part 95 radios:
"Hopefully, I've narrowly averted the total collapse of Western civilisation by offering a legal alternative. It all starts with some guy in Plymouth using a TH-9000 on GMRS. Next thing you know, we're all killing each other because the law has lost its meaning."

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Moving to IP Voice

Given my recent adventure in Atlanta, the move to a platform with less resiliency built-in sounds a little scary. Of course, I am speaking out of school in some ways. I don't even have a landline at my house. But then again, I do have a few radios lying around. I don't have much in the way of backup power in the house, but I could always leverage the power in the cars.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Importing Chinese Radios

Interesting post about the FCC rules for the US over at the KG-UV950P Yahoo Group. According to it, you can bring in a radio for testing - but just do it in quantities of less than 4,000.
"47 CFR §2.1204 Import conditions. 
(a) Radio frequency devices may be imported only if one or more of these conditions are met:
* * * * * * * * * * 
(3) The radio frequency device is being imported in quantities of 4,000 or fewer units for testing and evaluation to determine compliance with the FCC Rules and Regulations, product development, or suitability for marketing. The devices will not be offered for sale or marketed.  
* * * * * * * * * * 
(b) The ultimate consignee must be able to document compliance with the selected import condition and the basis for determining the import condition applied."

Friday, March 15, 2013

FCC IDs for Chinese Manufacturers

Here is a list in case anyone wants to look up some of our favorite Chinese manufacturers on the FCC site.

In the box labeled "Grantee Code," enter the three characters below.

Anytone: T4K
Baofeng: ZP5
Kirisun: Q5E
Puxing: AUJ 
TYT: X24
Vero Telecom: ZVM
Wouxun: WVT

Leave the second box blank and click the "Search" button.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


In case you were wondering what the FCC SWAT team was doing with its time... Amateur Radio Service Enforcement Actions.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Breaking the Law!

Sorry for the lack of radio posting. I had been running my pirate radio station (2 x the legal limit!!!) using my UV-5R and an FCC SWAT team raided my house. They confiscated my radio charger and mouse, so it really has hampered my ability to get on the air and to post.

Seriously, this post was 100% inspired by Hans' last two articles:
2013, Narrowbanding and Ham Radio
UV-5R Group for Illegal Users
I commented on the first by saying:
"It seems like people forget about 50+ (100?) years of history when they start talking about rule changes. I don’t think all the war surplus rigs that my father-in-law has will magically become compliant with every mandate. Nor will all the stuff he designed and built. Unless you are being a real jerk and causing interference, I don’t see the FCC breaking down your (US) door to confiscate a Chinese HT."
Maybe my rule should be a) don't be a jerk and b) don't be dumb - then you shouldn't have to worry about the FCC SWAT team.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Wouxun KG-UV920R: FCC ID

The KG-UV920R is now in the FCC database.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Baofeng UV-5R: Type 90 Accepted

Chris (NH7QH Radio Supplies) sent me a note saying that the Baofeng UV-5R is now Type 90 accepted by the FCC. He says he has them on order and will be selling them soon.