Monday, May 9, 2011

Repeater Finder - Android App

I saw this article about a Repeater Finder Android App and got pretty excited. This would be nice for my beach trip that is coming up. Then I saw it was $4.99. I'm a real cheap skate when it comes to software that I'm not sure I really need - even for such a small amount. I should just do my homework before I go and, if I decide I must have it, I can always buy/download it on the fly. It does look pretty slick.

Download RFinder - Worldwide Repeater Directory for Android.

The New DXer's Handbook

A nice introduction to long distance(dx) communication...

The New DXer's Handbook by Bryce K. Anderson, K7UA [PDF]

Sunday, May 8, 2011

RACK Hamfest - Saturday, June 11

Since I'm new to the hobby, I haven't attended any of the previous 44 hamfests sponsored by the Radio Amateur Club of Knoxville (RACK). I plan on attending this year.

There will be the usual dealers, clubs, tailgating, exams, and demos. They are giving away a Kenwood TS480SAT as a door price. That's about a $1000 rig!

The details:
Radio Amateur Club of Knoxville
45th Annual Hamfest
Kerbela Temple
315 MimosaAve, Knoxville
Saturday, June 11, 2011
8:30am — 4pm

Britain's Got Talent

I see your cool Britain's Got Talent video and raise you a Britain's Got Talent Video with Michael Jackson.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Geeking Out!

I picked up my iPad today from the FedEx office today. I had to get it since I missed the delivery on Friday. Had. To. Get. It. I think my two year old was as excited as I was. She kept saying iPad and even over came her usual shyness to tell the FedEx lady that we wanted to pick up our iPad.

I really geeked out on the way to my parent's house. I had the Garmin GPS going, my Droid Pro acting as a hotspot for the family to watch YouTube on the iPad in the backseat, and I was listening to 2M on my ham radio. Winning.

Published from my iPad while sitting in bed.

Baofeng UV-3R: Unboxing Video

You might want to mute your sound - nothing to hear.

KG-UV Commander 0.1.1 Beta

Jim, KC8UNJ, announced that a new version of the KG-UV Commander (0.1.1 Beta) is now availbale for download from his web site. Original post here.

He lists the changes:
- Fixed crash when using TAB key on Config/VFO/FM tabs
- Fixed crash when deleting RX frequency
- Fixed crash when deleting VFO frequency
- Fixed crash when pasting blank line over blank TX frequency
- Fixed CSV import crash bug where it didn't properly handle blank TX field
- Fixed CSV import when CSV file contains no line feeds
- CSV import no longer requires placeholders for all fields
- CSV import now converts imported fields to uppercase characters
- Updated TPE import based on provided files
- Tweak for cut-off line on some printers in Landscape mode
- Fixed bug where mouse scroll wheel did not scroll to channel 1
- Fixed bug where multi-select didn't work for Cut operations
- Changed communication to continue if radio responds to HiWouxun with ID
- Workaround to try and get writing to work without error in WINE
- Small tweaks to communication

Data Center Consolidation

In 2011, data center consolidation is easy.
"For too long, the Federal Government allowed the American people’s hard-earned tax dollars to fund ineffective and duplicative projects, failing to leverage advances in technology to achieve savings. The result is that taxpayer dollars have been wasted. This should never be tolerated, but particularly with the tough fiscal situation, it’s unacceptable. It’s time that we live within our means, cut the waste too prevalent in Washington, and live up to our responsibility to the American people."
I agree. The above statement was made in the context of eliminating about 40% of the federal data centers. Let's not stop there.

I've reviewed the original presentation and the recent update. No where does it mention staff reductions (unless it is some political-speech/code that I don't understand.)

IT Reforms 25 Point Plan (PDF)
IT Reforms 25 Point Plan - Progress Report (PowerPoint)

Seriously, with virtualization, cloud based computing, and ubiquitous internet access the decision to retire, consolidate, and outsource is not difficult. To truly become lean, they need to get rid of people. That's the tough call to make. It sucks. Lives are impacted. If you don't get rid of some jobs, then you can't expect real change to occur. Industry learned this lesson long ago. Adopt the technology of 2011 and the business practices of the 80's.

Baofeng UV-3R: The Manual

*** UPDATE (2011-06-02): New download link is here.

*** UPDATE (2011-05-31): There is a newer version of the manual available. ***
*** UPDATE (2011-05-31): Information about the updated manual is
here. ***
There have been a lot of posts about the manual being incomplete and/or just plain wrong. Since I don't have my radio, I can't confirm that this one is incorrect, but just a heads up.

Baofeng UV-3R Manual

It isn't easy being Green.

I have no idea why it matters what color the bullets are.