Friday, July 29, 2011

Speaking of Macs

I was told by a co-worker at a sister company that Macs are impervious to viruses. Well, lah de dah!

His statement makes this all the more fun... Hacking Apple Laptop Batteries. Forget borking the software, let's get the hardware.

(After seeing this post, I hope to incorporate the phrase "lah de dah" into all of my posts.)

How to fix the Economy: Jobs

We just need more Jobs.

Baofeng UV-3R: VGC Website and Blog

I'm not sure how I've missed this, but in addition to the Vero Telecom site, there is a VGC site that shows all the radios. It even has a blog page, but no RSS feed unfortunately. Also, you may want to check out the neat on-line product catalog.

Baofeng UV-3R: Camouflage

Thanks to a tip in the comments, I see you can order the camouflage UV-3R. Of course, of all the colors, I wanted the yellow which I can't find yet.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Don't Trust the Government

I knew we shouldn't be trusting the government. Recently, the White House twitter account directed a citizen to this link:

Revolution now!

Via Business Insider

SMA Female to SO-239 Jumper for your Wouxun HT

The Comet SMA Female 18" coax adapter jumper to SO-239 for Wouxun Radios looks like a better option than the jumper I bought on ebay. It is actually cheaper (at $14) than the one I purchased on ebay and I would hope that this one would not have the problem of the sheath pulling away from the SMA connector.

Throwing Money at a Problem

A good reminder that simply throwing money at problem, even with the best of intentions, may have unintended consequences.

From When Capital Is Nowhere in View:
"In a scene early in the show set in this giant city after the earthquake, Bourdain and his crew stop to eat some local food from a vendor. He discusses its ingredients and samples some items. Crowds of hungry people begin to gather. They are doing more than gawking at the camera crews. They are waiting in the hope of getting something to eat."
It, of course, goes down hill from there. I can't help but think there is a lesson in here for the woes of our welfare programs.

Thanks to Slim for the link.

Bad City Councilman, Bad City Councilman

Mr. Alan Schulman (Canton City Council President):

If you aren't going to address the issue of a near homicidal police officer, then I don't think you need to be talking (or whining) about anything else. And I agree with WizardPC, I don't think there is a better time or place to carry.

After hearing more about this incident, it finally clicked. I've seen that police officer...

Bonus Link: Tam - That explains rather a lot, actually.

Via Snowflakes in Hell

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Do you use your real name on-line?

Do you use your real name on-line?


I don't want my hobbies or politics to mix with my work place or even my different groups of friends. I've not written about it, but this is one reason I think Google Plus might beat (or at least force a change at) Facebook. With Google Plus, you can decide which groups (Circles) of people can see what posts, pictures, etc.

Mad Men Streaming on Netflix starts today.

The wife will be very happy. Mad Men streaming on Netflix starts today.