Wednesday, January 9, 2013


In case you were wondering what the FCC SWAT team was doing with its time... Amateur Radio Service Enforcement Actions.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Breaking the Law!

Sorry for the lack of radio posting. I had been running my pirate radio station (2 x the legal limit!!!) using my UV-5R and an FCC SWAT team raided my house. They confiscated my radio charger and mouse, so it really has hampered my ability to get on the air and to post.

Seriously, this post was 100% inspired by Hans' last two articles:
2013, Narrowbanding and Ham Radio
UV-5R Group for Illegal Users
I commented on the first by saying:
"It seems like people forget about 50+ (100?) years of history when they start talking about rule changes. I don’t think all the war surplus rigs that my father-in-law has will magically become compliant with every mandate. Nor will all the stuff he designed and built. Unless you are being a real jerk and causing interference, I don’t see the FCC breaking down your (US) door to confiscate a Chinese HT."
Maybe my rule should be a) don't be a jerk and b) don't be dumb - then you shouldn't have to worry about the FCC SWAT team.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Good for the Goose, Good for the Gander

"Americans have historically modeled their choices of home protection and personal defense handguns on what the cops carried. When the police carried .38 revolvers as a rule, the .38 caliber revolver was the single most popular choice among armed citizens. In the 1980s and into the 1990s, cops switched en masse to semiautomatic pistols. So did the gun-buying public. Today, the most popular handgun among police seems to be the 16-shot, .40 caliber Glock semiautomatic. Not surprisingly, the general public has gone to pistols bracketing that caliber in power (9mm, .40, .45) with similar enthusiasm. The American police establishment has also largely switched from the 12 gauge shotgun which was also the traditional American home defense weapon, to the AR15 patrol rifle with 30-round magazine…and, not surprisingly, the law-abiding citizenry has followed suit there, too." 

Did J.R.R. Tolkien write "Christian" fantasy novels?

I read the first chapter on-line. Another book for my wish-list. Of course, my wish list being both for the text and the time to read it!

umreporter Did J.R.R. Tolkien write "Christian" fantasy novels?

Do People Know What They Say?

I know I make mistakes. Plenty of them. But, I wonder if people have any idea what they are saying. I also know there are conservative/tea party/libertarian/right-wing/etc. folks who say crazy things, so I don't mean to let them off the hook, but some of these quotes are unbelievable.

Ban Assault Hammers and Clubs

"Think about it: In 2005, the number of murders committed with a rifle was 445, while the number of murders committed with hammers and clubs was 605. In 2006, the number of murders committed with a rifle was 438, while the number of murders committed with hammers and clubs was 618.
And so the list goes, with the actual numbers changing somewhat from year to year, yet the fact that more people are killed with blunt objects each year remains constant. 
For example, in 2011, there was 323 murders committed with a rifle but 496 murders committed with hammers and clubs."
Hammers and clubs don't really kill people - people kill people. A rifle is a tool no different from a hammer. A rifle is used for sport no different than a bat.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Culture Differences

This commercial is hard core.

SammyWalrusIV In Thailand, they use this TV ad to sell life insurance. In the U.S., we use talking ducks and Snoopy.…Tue, Dec 11 19:13:17 from web

Ham Drama

If the drama surrounding the legality of certain ham radios isn't enough for you, then hop on over to the Ham Radio Deluxe Yahoo Group. It is always exciting times when they release a new version.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: wa9pie
Date: Saturday, December 22, 2012
Subject: [ham-radio-deluxe] Considering the upgrade from 5.x to 6.x

As most of you know, I'm one of the three partners that acquired HRD from Simon so that HRD can continue as a product. The statement I'm about to make represents my perspective - not necessarily that of my partners.

Much conversation will ensue about whether or not folks should stick with the 5.x version (FREE forever) or purchase the 6.0 version.

Most of the folks who start these threads I call "baiters". Baiters gain great enjoyment from "starting shit" (as we say here in The States) in an effort to begin a "war of words" that is designed to drive people away from the product. For that reason, we banned a bunch of "baiters" a year ago and life has been better here for the rest of us. So... don't be a "baiter". If you post here, contribute to a dialog that improves HRD for everyone.

As for whether you should upgrade to 6.0 or continue using the 5.x FREE version we put thousands of hours in to improve from 5.0b... well, some will say, "5.x does everything thing I need it to do." Well then, awesome... be my guest then... use 5.x for FREE for as long as you like.

I saw a post earlier that said that the "v5 version is already the best available software." Uh... well... that's absolutely NOT true. To be honest, I still log in another (15 year old) logging program because the 5.x version is substantially deficient in assisting serious DXers and awards seekers (like me). So in 6.0 we've added - what I think are - the most powerful "Worked Status Indicators" and awards reporting there is. We've added FSK. Multiple modes in the waterfall. One place to enter station information now eliminates the need to enter the same info in every application. And more...

So... it's our job to create and implement compelling features so that folks will see the benefit in buying v6.0. I think we've taken major steps in that direction. I hope you'll see the improvements as valuable.

Mike, WA9PIE

Big Hit

Wow. You probably had to be watching the game to get the fill effect, because South Carolina had just been robbed by a horrible call.

M&P Magazines

I am going to be the best read guy around... I got some extra magazines for the S&W M&P9.