Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I've come across a couple of robot items...

Who are the robots? An interesting short story that made me think about what it means to be human. Or a robot.

Robot for POTUS? Lord help us; I hope not.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Ham-lem Shake

What has been seen, cannot be unseen.

73s HARLEM SHAKE (PY1ON @ ARRL DX SSB 2013 - HAM RADIO MARACA EDITION): youtu.be/QdYMESyp9-M via @youtube
Mon, Apr 29 01:18:24 from TweetDeck

Friday, April 26, 2013

Don't Forget Win+D

AK Centerfire

I had one of the AK Centerfire water guns when I was a kid. I remembered the Laser Tag kit I had, but I had completely forgotten about the AK. Good times.

Via The Weapon Blog

Quote of the Day

Referring to the UV-5R tri-band capability:
"Now all we need is the $3.71 tri-band antenna."

(The famous $3.71 antenna that turned out to be a really good deal.)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Legalize Nukes

Compromise I can get behind.

Michael Z. Williamson:
"I am the counter to the extreme "no guns" camp. I am the "legalize nukes" camp. Somewhere in the middle is a bargaining point. As long as it includes machine guns and cannon, I'm willing to compromise on nukes. 
What I am not willing to do is say, "We gave up nukes, arty, machine guns, so let's compromise on rifles." Because that is NOT compromise, it is piecemeal surrender, with nothing given in return. 
In exchange for compromising on nukes, I expect the CMP to not only sell weapons to civilians, but to furnish a crate of ammo per buyer every 5 years, to support its Congressionally mandated charter of equipping the militia--all able bodied adults. 
See? Compromise. :)"
Via The Smallest Minority

TH-9800 and X1M at Dayton

Ed at Import Communications passed along a couple of tidbits:

TYT TH-9800
He has a final version of the TH-9800 quad-band mobile and he'll have it on display at Dayton. There are no firm production dates yet, but he will add the radio to his site with the ability to get notifications when it becomes available.

Xiegu X1M
He will also have the X1M QRP radio on display and about 40 for sale. He's sold about half of the first batch of 100 and deliveries will begin in early May. Import Communications is the factory's official North American distributor for this radio.

Alianza DXB

The Alianza DXB by Bricom Solutions
(Alianza= latin for 'Alliance') (DXB = Docking Cross Breed Technology)

It isn't bad looking and cool in a way, but I cannot imagine throwing several hundred dollars after a docking accessory that "turns your smartphone into a full working traditional multi-band walkie-talkie." You'd have to be very committed to your iPhone 5 if you were going to keep it and the DXB. The KickStarter site for the DXB is here. I think their timeline is very aggressive, too.

You only get UHF, but the Runbo X5 might be a better alternative.

Via Hans

Live Forever

Live forever (or a few years longer on this big blue marble) by going to church.