Monday, September 16, 2013

Ohm's Law Remix

A new way to teach Ohm's Law...

My take... it should be another tool in the toolbox. If the old way isn't sinking in with a particular student, then see if this approach works. I'm not quite ready to rewrite all the books.

Practice Safe Charging

You don't want to catch (or spread) anything!

Noisy LEDs

LEDs are becoming nosier. I blame the Swedes.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Inflatable Antennae

Inflatable Antennae... now, if they would just make one for an UV-5R we'd be in business.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Xiegu X1M: Marxy's Initial Impressions

I am so far behind on the Xiegu (and the KN-920) developments, but here are Marxy's first impressions of his X1M.

Backups Simplified

Dumb Glass

From my Twitter feed:

BenedictEvans Spoke to a big UK broadcaster this week - apparently their strategy team is worried about the TV becoming 'dumb glass'. Nice new jargon...
Thu, Sep 12 13:06:46 from Twitterrific for Mac
retweeted by tim

I can't wait until it is smart enough to filter the ticker that runs across the bottom of my screen, so I can eliminate all those MLB and NBA scores that I don't have any interest in.


I have a feeling this will be the blockbuster action movie of the year!!

Vero Telecom VR-6600P

Hans has an update on some new Vero Telecom (VGC) products including the VR-6600P that looks a lot like a Yaesu FTM-350.
Whatever happened to their UV-X5 tri-bander? Maybe it ended up as this?

What kind of runner?

What kind of runner are you? I am 100% a "Focused Goal Race" runner:
"You have your eyes on one race for the season, and nothing is going to stop you from getting there. The only race you may sign up for between now and then is a race to use as a training run, but there is no way you are going to race it. You need to save your energy for your speed workout in a couple of days. You have every run and workout written out in a calendar or training plan for the next 4 months. Each workout is meticulously calculated, and you make sure your GPS reflects the correct mileage after each run. It’s your goal race or bust – no ifs, ands, or buts about it."