Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Soylent Coffiest

I've been reading about the Soylent products and saw that they are coming out with a coffee version.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

ARRL Annual Report Stats

KE9V pulls some interesting status out of the 2015 ARRL Annual Report. The trends seem positive.

NooElec and winners

You get an SDR. And you get an SDR! Any you get an SDR!!

NooElec and winners.

"If you didn’t win and you’re interested in ordering from NooElec, they’ve generously supplied us with a discount code for our readers:
AMRADIOTENOFF – $10 off orders $100 or more.
No restrictions. Valid until 14 August 2016."

Monday, August 8, 2016

Band Plan Plug-in

Another cool thing you can do with SDR...

WLN KD-C1: 440 Plus a 220 Mod?

I thought I had posted about the WLN KD-C1, but I can't find it anywhere. Maybe I ignored it, because it is a simple 16-channel UHF (400-470 MHz). It's cheap at $19 bucks. (And you could get one in orange and white.)

And for those that like to live dangerously, you can try VE3PZR's software mod to add 220 MHz:
"I suspect it puts out spurs in the 440 MHz band." 
"A simple test on 223.580 with a friend with a real 220 MHz radio proved that the radio transmits some power. He was able to hear me but I was not able to hear him. He was about 8KMs away."
Interesting, but TX without RX strikes me as not very useful. I'd rather have the RX only if I got to pick.

Nate sent me a link to Not sure if they are testing a new look or if this is really anything, but we all know their current page isn't the prettiest e-commerce site.

Baofeng Tech UV-50X3 and CHIRP

This is pretty cool when you think about it...

MILESTONE: CHIRP's First OEM Partnership
The BTECH UV-50X3 became the very first radio to be exclusively supported by CHIRP programming software. CHIRP is a volunteer based effort to cohesively program radios from all vendors on Windows, Linux and OSX. fully supports CHIRP and the efforts that CHIRP volunteers make to provide you the easiest programming solution between your radios. Download, support, and learn more about CHIRP at: