Showing posts with label TYT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TYT. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

TYT TH-UVF9: Miscellaneous Notes

Once again thanks to Nate for the pointers:

TYT has listed the TH-UVF9 on their site. Also, a Hungarian site has a beautiful close up of the display. It looks so good, I'm assuming it is an enhanced marketing photo.

TYT TH-UVF9: Kight Radio Update and Service

Also from the 03 JUN 2012 update from Kight Radio (his update, but my links):
"The TH-UVF9 is almost ready. It is not full of bugs, there was one little problem that has been solved and that had to do with the Ch Display / Freq Display. If you order one from Hong Kong, you may get the first production run which has that bug. When you order you want to be sure you get the latest production run. One thing Kight Radio will do, if you buy one that has a factory bug, when the new version comes out, we will exchange the radio for you at no charge. We have already done this with a couple customers for the TH-UV3R."
Exchanging an early model radio for a new version is a fantastic service. It takes all the risk out of being an early adopter.

Chinese Radio Mega List by Nate - Part 2 - HTs

Here is the second part of Nate's e-mail with the information about the HTs. (Most of this is from his e-mail, but I've edited it so assume any errors are mine.) Part I was about mobile radios.

Baojie BJ-UV88

BAOJIE have an HT model: BAOJIE BJ-UV88


HYS have an HT as well: HYS TC-UV11 and HYS TC-UV99 (if you need a larger flashlight). And the HYS TC-UV88 that looks a little bit like the Baofeng UV-5R / TYT TH-F8.

More UV-5R clones / brands:
ZasTone ZT-V8 ($85.50 on AliExpress)
Mstar M-UV1 ($56 on AliExpress)

Mstar M-UV2
Mstar also has the M-UV2 (Totally different radio)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

TYT TH-UV3R: Moleculo Review Tread

Review thread here.

moleculo This TYT TH-UV3r 2m/440 is rapidly becoming one of my favorite little HT's . It really is a nice 2 watt radio #hamrMon, Jun 04 16:23:09 from TweetDeck
moleculo The TYT UV3r and Baofeng UV-3r are completely different radios. The TYT is much more refined and has numbered buttons #hamrMon, Jun 04 16:32:55 from TweetDeck
moleculo Just started my review of the fantastic little TYT TH-UV3r 2m/440 micro HT: #hamr (not to be confused with Baofeng)Tue, Jun 05 15:46:46 from TweetDeck

TYT TH-9800: Name Confusion & Pictures

I think the problem is even worse than calling the "Quad" a "Dual" when you have a single band version, too - all under the TH-9800 model.

Kight Radio has this update on 03 JUN 2012:
"I would like to make something clear. Someone is posting on groups that the TH-9800 at Dayton was a dummy non working model. This is not true. The TH-9800 at Dayton was a fully operating unit and it was plugged in at Dayton so people could play with it. This sale person is posting that it is a Dual Band mobile and not a Quad Band mobile. That is also not true. The unit is Quad Band however on the sales information, TYT calls it a Dual Band. I have talked with them many times about them calling it Dual Band and telling them they should call it a Quad Band but they just do not understand. I then put alot of thought to that and I have backed off in trying them to change it to Quad Band. If they realized it as a Quad Band and different then the others that will come out, that might cause them to raise the starting price so I have backed off with hopes of a lower starting price. On the catalog page of the TH-9800 on this site, I posted actual pictures of the TH-9800 I had just before returning to TYT."
The Kight Rado photos are below.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

TYT TH-9800: Dual/Quad Band Mobile

I'm finally getting around to doing a real post about the TYT TH-9800.

First, I do not see it listed on the TYT website.

The KC2RA site posted some info about the TH-9800 when they did the review of Chinese mobiles.

Kight Radio does have it listed, but labels the radio as a dual band mobile. It hints at a surprise and suggests reviewing the spec sheet where the frequency ranges are 28.000 - 29.700, 50.000 - 54.000, 144.000 - 148.000, 430.000 - 450.000. Also, on the 25 MAY 2012 update from Kight Radio, they report the TH-9800 will also have "AM Reecieve on the Aircraft band."

Andrews Communications Systems has the TH-9800 listed on their site with an expected price of less than $499 AUD/$485 USD. Given a price in that ballpark and the quad band capabilities, this would not appear to be a direct competitor to the KG-UV920R. This picture on the Andrews site doesn't look anything like the others below.

This post on the TYT-USA Yahoo Group mentions a unit at Dayton. Martyn (K4TEC) gives a little more detail:
"Re the Quad Band mobile transceiver, this is still under development, a dummy rig was seen at Dayton, Sam (from TYT China) let one float around, this will be an exciting rig and a good price but it is not going to be available until very late in the year if at all this year."
From the 21 MAY 2012 update, Kight Radio also talks about a unit that they had, but it was the dual band. They do specifically mention that the TH-9800 should ship in October. Image from Kight Radio:

Earlier in the month, Nate pointed out in the comments that there could be some photoshop action going on in the TYT TH-9800 Dual/Quad band - a Yaesu FT-8800R screen? It doesn't mean the radio is fake by any stretch as I can image the marketing designer grabbing something convenient to complete the image.

For what might be the single band versions of these radios, there is already Type 90 acceptance by the FCC (ID: X24-MOBILE-V). Again back to the pictures, nothing matches so I don't know what to expect. This is the picture that is linked to the TH-9800VHF documents on the FCC site.
I've copied the features list from Sparky's blog here. He mentions a price of $375 - $450 USD and says it will be available "Winter 2012." I'm not sure of his source, so I am leaning towards Kight's price and date, since he talks about going to China and seeing the various manufacturers and sellers.


  • Outstanding 0.2uV sensitivity across 10m/6m/2m/70cm bands
  • Brilliant crossmodulation, intermodulation rejection and strong signal performance – similar to commercial radios!
  • Commercial quality and commercial performance, too!
  • 256 memory channels
  • DTMF mic included!
  • Digital FM broadcast band radio
  • High/low output power levels
  • Reverse frequency selection
  • Dual (V/U) squelch set levels
  • Dual repeater offsets selectable
  • Multi-function scanning
  • Repeater offset selectable
  • Keypad lock function
  • Channel name editing
  • CTCSS/DCS encode/decode
  • Dual Band/Dual Receive: (Full Duplex)
  • Cross Band Repeat
  • TX Power: 5-50 Watts
  • Memories: 256
  • Antenna Connection: Two SO (UHF)

For the quad-bander, two antenna connections makes a lot more sense.

Given the lessons of the KG-UV920R, I'm not going to hold my breath for this one either.


I've not been tracking the TYT TH-UVF1, but I did notice that people are now getting a TH-UVF1A. I wish all the manufacturers would make it that easy to identify the newer revisions of their radios.

TYT TH-UVF9: Unboxing

Thursday, May 24, 2012

TYT TH-UVF9: Now Available

Kight Radio has updated their site today with the news that they are taking orders for the TH-UVF9:
"The TYT TH-UVF9 4 watt HT is Available Now. We have these in stock in our China warehouse and all orders will be shipped from China until we receive stock in the USA Office. If you want one NOW, you can order and delivery time is about 7 - 10 days from China. We should have stock in the US Office in about 2 weeks. I will be adding specs and more pictures today to the site."
The site says out of stock, but has the note about shipping directly from China. Link here, but I cannot see the price on the product page. It is only on the main page: $89.95.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Import Communications

I just saw this note on Ed's Import Communications website:
"Wouxun.US is my domain name. It is not connected with Wouxun-China other than the fact I sell over 500 Wouxun radios per month.
China does not like the fact that other brands of radios are associated with this web site.
Any questions about products on this site should be directed to or info@importcommunications only."
I assumed that the name change from to Import Communications was driven by Ed's desire to sell more brands with a more generic web site/company name. It never occurred to me that Wouxun/China wouldn't like seeing the Baofeng and TYT along side the Wouxun radios. Duh.

Kight Radio - Post Dayton Updates

More updates from Kight Radio posted on 21 May 2012:
"We are back from a long trip to Dayton. We have the TYT Dual Band Mobile now (This was displayed at Dayton Hamvention) I will be taking pictures of it in the morning and then its going back to TYT in China. Thank you TYT for letting us have this to show at Dayton. (TYT was happy to supply the Dual band Mobile, Wouxun was not interested in having theirs on display ???)"
I'm not sure which specific model he is referring to when he says the "TYT Dual Band Mobile." I thought the TH-9000 was a single band radio. The TYT TH-9800 is supposed to be the quad band mobile. He mentions it below. I need to finish my post about the TH-9800. I spent a few minutes looking and didn't see the dual-band pictures on his site either.

I thought there might be some news from Ed about the Wouxun KG-UV920R - I was predicting that he would have a demo unit. Based on the current chatter (here and here), no response from Ed (to his credit he is usually really good about engaging with the on-line community), and comments like the above, maybe we should be looking at TYT or Vero for the amazing value in mobile rigs.
"We also had the New TYT Th-UVF9 4 watt HT. Ed and I both have one and testing it now. This will be available within a couple weeks. I will post detailed pictures of it on this site in the morning. I will also post the New Specs for the TYT mobile too on the catalog page. They added AM receive coverage for the Air Band. This F9 HT does have the dot matrix readout."

Air band. Cool. Dot matrix readout. Also cool. I don't see the pictures and specs on the catalog page. Maybe I need some glasses or more coffee.
"TYT DUAL BAND MOBILE expected to ship in October. This is the mobile to watch for ... its actually a Quad Band Mobile covering 10, 6, 144 and 440. The other Chinese mobiles are only 144 and 440. Those of you that have waited for the Wouxun mobile should wait for the TYT first before buying one."
Earlier in the month, Nate pointed out in the comments that there could be some photoshop action going on in the TYT TH-9800 Dual/Quad band - a Yaesu FT-8800R screen? It doesn't mean the radio is fake by any stretch as I can image the marketing designer grabbing something convenient to complete the image. At least there is hard date for availability - October.

I'll keep looking and see if he posts any additional information.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Quansheng TG-UV2: CHIRP Support

Looks like CHIRP support for the TG-UV2 may not happen in the immediate future:
"Dan replied to my inquiry with the following: " It depends on the radio, of course, but if it is going to happen, it would take less than a week of development time. "

He didn't venture when that week might occur. And that tiny word "if" looms large.

I didn't see a way to vote/show support for a particular radio on Dan's site. He's doing this for free, so whatever he decides to do next is clearly up to him. As a quick data point, the relative Yahoo Group memberships are:

TG-UV2 - 431
UV-5R - 1,126
UV-3R - 3,118

[Updated June 29, 2012 - I meant Quansheng not TYT.]

Friday, May 18, 2012

TYT TH-UV3R: Giveaway and Import Communications are at it again. This time they are giving away a TYT TH-UV3R. Click on over for rules and details.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

TYT TH-UV3R: Shipping May 15

Ed will be shipping the TYT TH-UV3R radios beginning May 15. He's got them here for $65 + $7 shipping in red or black. He also mentions that:
"Display will be regular LCD, not dot-matrix.
(Disappointing news; takes away from its coolness factor.)"
I agree with him. Is there anything else (keypad?) that makes this radio standout now?

And early adopters should be aware the specs say (emphasis mine):
"2.5 kHz Tuning Step (this feature will be added to later model)
DTMF -- CTCSS -- DCS (DTMF feature will be added to later model)"

Monday, May 7, 2012

Updates from Kight Radio - TYT and Baofeng

"Great News - The TYT TH-UV3R is in stock and shipping. I have been using one for the past 2 weeks and I love it. The size is about the same size as the Baofend UV3 but construction is much stronger."
 "The New TH-UVF9 Dual Band HT (4 watts) will be available soon. I will have 2 of these to test within the next week and I will update everyone on this new radio. I have pictures posted on this site."
This is the first I've heard of the TH-UVF9. Here is the link to the listing. No price yet on this dual band, dual display 4 W unit. He does mention he will have one at Dayton.

"Baofeng UV5 - They report that the problems have been fixed and shipping the updated ones now. We will wait to test them and then release them to sell at that time. If ordering from other companies you might want to wait until they get rid of their old inventory before ordering."
Amazing how quickly they can respond with fixes. They are getting a lot of free testing from the hams that are early adopters.
"Just in case your wondering, the Baofeng UV5 looks like a TYT radio however it is not. TYT did not sell or mft the radios for them, They simply took TYT's case design and copied it. There have been some questions on who makes the TYT radios for them .... TYT is the MFG!"
I am beginning to think the cases are a core competency for China. They can make copies faster than anyone and in any color you like.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

TYT TH-UV3R: Display and Colors

A quick review on the TYT Yahoo Group... looks like all these Chinese radios are going to be available in colors and I am slightly disappointed it doesn't have the reverse display.
"Noteworthy is the size of the unit is almost identical to the Baofeng UV-3R radios just a little thicker (side by side photos of the Wouxun KG-UVD1, Baofeng UV-5R, TYT and the Baofeng unit). Another photo of the back of the box seems to indicate 4 colors are available. Unlike the brochure photos the display is the standard lcd (not the reverse image as pictured in the ad)."

Monday, April 23, 2012

TYT TH-UV3R: 409Shop

I didn't give any details this morning when I posted the video, but Steve (KF9ZA) sent me the link to the 409Shop listing - so info below. 409Shop has the TH-UV3R for $55 USD. (KightRadio is $69.95 USD. I did not see a price on ImportCommunications, but did notice Ed says it will be available in red.)

Dual Band Radio 136-174 & 400-470 MHz

1. Dual Band 136-174 & 400-470 MHz
2. FM Broadcast Receive
3. Wide Band / Narrow Band
4. 128 Channels
5. 2.5 Watts High Power -- 0.8 Watts Low Power
6. Full Keypad
7. CTCSS  --  DCS
8. USB Chargable Li-ion Battery
9. 1750 Tone
10. Computer Programmable
11. Alpha Name Tags
12. Dimensions (not inc antenna) 3.62 x 1.89 x 0.94 inches
13. Voice/Beep/OFF

TYT TH-UV3R: First Look Video

Do I see a standard USB plug on the side of the TH-UV-3R?

Friday, April 20, 2012


An e-mail from Ed at Import Communications:
"I wanted to inform you on the progress of the TYT radio.  Part of the delay is the original design did not have DTMF tone capability.  This is something I informed TYT was really needed.  They had to manufacture a totally new circuit board to add this, but they did it.  The radios are being assembled right now and the shipment will be made by the end of April.  I'll be the first US dealer with this radio and I'm pretty excited about it.
When the TH-UV3R stock arrives, you will receive another email letting you know it's available to order.
Pretty glad to see he has some influence on the manufacturer.

TYT TH-9000: Remote Disable

Pretty cool demonstration of the remote disable (stun) of the TYT TH-9000. Special guest appearance by the UV-5R sending the DTMF tones.

DranoWeb (or on Facebook)