Sunday, July 31, 2011

One Hundred Pushups

I took the test tonight and did 17 pushups without stopping. Let's see if this plan really works.
"If you're serious about increasing your strength, follow this six week training program and you'll soon be on your way to completing 100 consecutive push ups!"
I've never had a lot of upper body strength, so I thought I would give this a try.

Radio and Phones

I'll see your FM broadcast on your mobile phone and raise you UHF/VHF TX on your mobile phone.

Gun Owners are Diverse

From the Missed Connections on Craigslist:
"coal creek armory - m4m - 25

You are a really handsome guy. I thought we had a small moment when I checked out before you today and we candidly spoke about what gun i was holding. Tell me what gun it was and what stall you were in. id like to hang out sometime if your interested."
I'll make a joke about just about anything, so please don't take this as bashing his sexuality, but I bet the gun conversation would have been fun. Also, I suggest referring to lane numbers and not stalls.


I like her style.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mystery Dits

Tracking down a mystery signal reminds me of a book I read.
"According to the FCC, an amateur in Northern California had unintentionally left his keyboard too close to his keyer paddle, and the paddle somehow got pushed against the keyboard, making it send continuous dits."

Baofeng UV-3R: USB Programming Cable (G4ILO)

Julian's homemade programming cable for the UV-3R.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Nice Catch

via Yahoo Sports Shutdown Corner

China puts the US on ebay

Funny read... China puts the IS on ebay.
With no bidders in the first 24 hours on eBay, China admitted that it would be challenging to unload the US, but it still held out hope that a buyer would step forward: “We’ve got our fingers crossed for Zuckerberg.”

Happy SysAdmin Day!

Happy System Administrator Appreciation Day!!! I hope everything is running smoothly, so you can see this message.

BMW iSeries

Being a tree-hugging hippie, I need a "green" vehicle. I want the BMW i8.

Via Uncrate