Showing posts with label Society. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Society. Show all posts

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Flea Party (Demands) vs. Tea Party

Flea Party vs. Tea Party « Monster Hunter Nation: For a summary of what is wrong with the world today, hit Larry's link. I cannot believe the demands. Surely these are a joke. For example:
"Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the “Books.” World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the “Books.” And I don’t mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period."
It makes my brain hurt that anyone can even suggest that. If it weren't for Larry's commentary, I'd be dumber for having read the list of demands.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Unicorns on Facebook

The following image is making the rounds on Facebook. It comes from a PDF of several slides at Connect the Dots USA.

From Society

If you don't like that you don't have as much money as someone else, do something about it... and I don't mean whine and cry until someone gives you a hand out. Maybe you should protest.

Scary Paper

Theater Professor’s Firefly Poster Declared Threatening:
"The campus police at the University of Wisconsin-Stout deserve praise, bravery medals, and $100 gift certificates to their favorite steakhouse for ripping down theater professor James Miller's Firefly poster before it could murder any students. Oh wait—not praise and etc., but ridicule."
That Constitution thing is pretty scary, too. Maybe they can snag it and burn it while they are at it.

Via Slashdot

Thursday, September 29, 2011

View From The Porch: Snitch Culture.

View From The Porch: Snitch Culture.:
"In Maryland recently, a delivery driver saw something he thought was suspicious in his cargo, and went to the police. What was the suspicious package?

One stop was receiving a delivery of several thousand rounds of ammunition, and the stop wasn't at a gun store or shooting range or police department, but at a private residence."
On a related note, I've seen stories about criminals that were caught with a gun or two and (horrors!) two hundred rounds of ammunition in their car/house. My thought, of course, is "just two hundred? He must have been coming back from the range." Two boxes of Federal Bulk 22lr from Wally World gets you over a thousand rounds.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Because that's the way it has always been?

Doc__Ad @Pogue why aren't elevators designed such that if you hit the wrong floor you can re-press the button and cancel your error?Thu, Sep 22 08:57:25 from Echofon
retweeted by Pogue

Or because the people that compulsively press an already lit button would cause you to miss your floor.

Just like you and me...

... only better.

Gary Varvel

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Gary Varvel - Cartoons/Social Commentary

I got one of those e-mails that makes the rounds with "funny" stuff in it. One of the cartoons (see below) did jump out at me, so I tracked the creator down - Gary Varvel. (A minor complaint - I couldn't find an RSS feed for his updates, so I had to follow him on Twitter.) Also, I couldn't find this particular image on his site or anywhere else, so no direct linky. Lots of good stuff from him, so be prepared to spend at least a few minutes browsing around.

Well, before I posted this, I did find an RSS feed for him at I'm going to watch the feed and Twitter to make sure they have the same content.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Creating the next terrorist

Linoge has good article that demonstrates the fine line between being prepared to care for yourself and for being able to launch a jihad against the unclean. As has been said before, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom loving prepper.

Maybe I should change that phrase based on the September issue of Parents magazine. The "Keep Your Family Safe" article provides a basic guide for preparing for an emergency. The suggestions include gathering flashlights, food, blankets, etc.

So maybe it should be, one man's terrorist is another kid's concerned mom.

(And a little bonus commentary here... the mother's group at my church will be hosting a local law enforcement officer who will give them advice on protecting their homes and family. I want my wife to go, just so I can find out what he recommends. I suspect he will not be arguing .40 cal vs. 9mm.)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Three Percenters

From Ambulance Driver:
"It is estimated that only 3% of American colonists took up arms against England. Only 10% of American colonists actively supported the fighters with arms, munitions and materiel. Only 20% or so of their neighbors even supported their cause at all. Fully a third of the American colonists considered themselves loyal British subjects, and a third more had no strong opinions either way."
It also reminds me that I recently heard that the average giving in our church conference is about 1.5%. My church is much better at 3%. (Yes, sarcasm.) As I continue to prove, I ain't real good at the maths, but 3% is pretty far off from a 10% tithe I think.


I follow Miguel's Gun Free Zone blog and he posts all the crazy things that are written on the CSGV Facebook wall. The posts usually have the #p2 hashtag.

I finally broke down and looked #p2 up here. The following are not the most popular definitions, but they work for me.
This hashtag is used by socialists/communists and their sympathizers to disseminate propaganda and anti-American sentiment.

#p2 big government liberals whose main goal is to destroy the Constitution and replace it with a Marxist society.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


My understanding of God's message is quite different from those discussed by Ken at Popehat. It is sad when the "good" guys aren't even close to being good. I'm not close to perfect, but it is hard to believe the people can reconcile being Christian and making comments like "can we start killing them now? few groups are filled with more hatred." In this case, they are talking about atheists, but it could be directed at just about any group that doesn't match their views.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Throwing Money at a Problem

A good reminder that simply throwing money at problem, even with the best of intentions, may have unintended consequences.

From When Capital Is Nowhere in View:
"In a scene early in the show set in this giant city after the earthquake, Bourdain and his crew stop to eat some local food from a vendor. He discusses its ingredients and samples some items. Crowds of hungry people begin to gather. They are doing more than gawking at the camera crews. They are waiting in the hope of getting something to eat."
It, of course, goes down hill from there. I can't help but think there is a lesson in here for the woes of our welfare programs.

Thanks to Slim for the link.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


I would not be tempted. I wasn't paying attention and thought this was from one the religious blogs I follow - instead it comes from a budgeting/finance blog. Interesting.

Via The Simple Dollar.