Friday, January 7, 2011

Power Line Broadband and SmartMeters

The UK is using the rollout of smart meters to try broadband over powerlines again.

Meanwhile, the ARRL is filing a complaint that broadband over power lines creates harmful interference and that IBEC isn't playing nice in the sandbox.

And back at the ranch, we find the same state that wants to outlaw incandescent bulbs has now banned Smart-meters. Quoting:

"Among the reasons given are privacy concerns associated with measuring energy usage data moment by moment and the potential for adverse impact on emergency communication systems used by first responders and amateur radio operators."

I'm glad to see they have their priorities straight.

Via,, and

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

China is scary.

I heard or read that China is pushing for more Chinese language web pages. They are also preparing to move against VoIP providers.

It is scary how much control the government has. It is even scarier how accepting the Chinese people are of the government as patriarch. I've been to China several times and the people I work with don't know that there is any other way. Perhaps the pace of progress has kept everyone happy. They've come so far they don't know that they are missing anything including the freedom of choice. The Great Firewall of China remains important to limiting the exposure of the average person to the world - otherwise the it could all change.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Echolink is a tool for accessing repeaters via a computer. You connect over the internet using Echolink to Echolink enabled repeaters and you can converse with other hams that are likewise using a PC or are transmitting via a radio. You can get into repeaters all over the world if they are running the software. Echolink will require you to prove that you are a licensed operator before granting you access to the network.

My father-in-law is not interested in Echolink. He says he has no interest in making his computer talk to someone else's computer. I think it is a neat way for someone to get on the air in a very inexpensive fashion. You could spend $15 to get your license and (assuming you have a PC and internet) be on some 2M repeaters with no other expense.

In addition to the PC client, you can install mobile versions for your iPhone/iPad or Android device.

Monday, January 3, 2011

FCC Net Neutrality

Lots of talk about Net Neutrality.. usually I am pro-business, but I view the Internet as essential infrastructure and worry that without Net Neutrality, innovation would be stifled. I think some things just cannot come out of big organizations. Most of these articles are from

A simplified view of the Net Neutrality issue.

Obama's FCC Caves on Net Neutrality

Do we really need Net Neutrality?

A Regulated Internet?

The Right's War on Net Neutrality

Zombie Returns to Life!


A zombie satellite has been brought back to life. I've always been amazed by what we can do in space. Is the Mars Rover still going?

From Brick O'Lore

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A quick look at my mobile rig

Just the basics...

I bought the radio from Ed at You can find the same radio for slightly less, but Ed was fantastic. He was very responsive to pre-sales questions I asked. I ordered on a Saturday and had it on Monday! He is an active participant in the Wouxun Yahoo group, too.

UPDATE: The original video had audio problems, so I've replaced it.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Book Review: Black Light

I finished Black Light last night. It was the second book in the Bob Lee Swagger series by Stephen Hunter. This story flashes back to the events surrounding the death of Earl Swagger, Bob's father, as Bob tries to discover what actually happened. I enjoyed the book, but liked Point of Impact slightly more. Hunter does other books about Earl and I think those might be a better read without the jumping back and forth in time. Up next is A Time to Hunt, but I've got to do some reading for my Sunday School class, so it may be a while before I continue with Bob Lee's adventures.

Black Light

EU Standardizes Mobile Phone Chargers

I have mixed feelings about the EU's required standardization of mobile phone chargers. As someone that supports a fleet of mobile phones, I think it is a great idea. As a fan of letting markets work, I hate to think that this might limit the next big (or little!) thing in connectors.

Beware the Hacker!

It gets good around 9 minutes. If you want to skip ahead, the background is that this guy got his computer stolen and tracked it down after more than a year. I laughed out loud more than once.