Monday, July 11, 2011

Shooting 9mm in a .40

The right way to shoot 9mm in .40 involves making some hardware changes.

The wrong way involves failures by multiple parties. I'm going to keep claiming to be a new shooter as long as people will let me get away with it. When this happened, I think it was my third time shooting pistols, so definitely qualifying as new. The first time shooting pistols was with a friend on his family farm. The second time was the Basic Hand Gun course at Coal Creek Armory. One of the goals of the course is to teach you "how to select proper ammunition." You probably see where this is going now that I've set the stage.

I was feeling good about what I learned in the course, so I convinced a buddy to go with me to CCA to rent some guns and a lane. I don't remember exactly what we were shooting initially - Beretta PX4 Storm, Kahr CW9, and maybe something else - all in 9mm. We finished up the box of ammo and decided to try the Glock 22.

We swapped guns and took our new box of ammo out to the lane. I started loading the magazine and took the first turn with the gun. After a string of failures to fire and feed, our trouble-shooting quickly revealed we were shooting 9mm instead of .40 S&W. I have visions of the bullet tumbling through and bouncing around the barrel.

Shame on the CCA employee who gave us the wrong ammo when we switched guns. I expect them to have some level of expertise and pay attention to details.

Shame on me for not checking the ammo. Ultimately I was the last safety as I loaded the magazine, but since I did not look at the box or closely at the rounds I failed, too. While I didn't have the experience to recognize the ammo by size, shape, or feel; I could have easily seen what was printed on the box.

No one got hurt and they didn't make us pay the rental fee. Lesson learned.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Radio Cancer

K4NBC posted the following picture. Now I understand the link between mobile phones/RF and cancer. (And, yes, that is a red UV-3R in the pack.)

Solar Charger with USB

I like the Lady Ada/Adafruit kits. I've built the Minty Boost. I could try the USB, DC & Solar Lipoly charger and since it will do up to 1A, it would work with my fancy UV-3R USB cable.


I know I am special - just like everyone else. But this post from the Simple Dollar mailbag got my britches in a bunch. Would I like to get rich blogging? Sure, but I'd like to become rich from winning the lottery, too. I figure my chances at becoming rich from blogging are about the same as winning the Powerball. My blog is less than a year-old, so I am really pleased that anyone reads my posts. I have seen modest increases month-over-month, but at this rate, I will be retired before it would make money. Back to the mailbag and my answers...
"Q2: Starting a blog
I have a great idea for a blog, one that no one at all is doing and i am in the process or being or trying to be an expert on this such topic.
I would be very surprised if someone wasn't already doing it. If no one is doing it then you may have such a niche that you couldn't expect to make enough money from this endeavor to replace your day job. Also, you might want to work on your grammar and proof-reading.
Problem is, time, i don’t have any or enough to do it. I went out and bought a website all gung ho to do it, and never got around to it.
I suggest a time-machine.
I was able to get a refund from the web-company for the service but not for the domain name. Which i believe i technically still own for a year, since i did pay for it.
Yes, you own the name until the term expires.
My question to you is, is there a way i can start up a blog that wont cost me anything or much at all, and then maybe one day move it all over to my own site.
Yes, a quick search should reveal that Blogger, Wordpress, and others are popular services.
Also, is there ways to make money blogging when your on or using a free blog site?
Yes, a quick search should reveal that many of the free services allow you to run ads.
I’m an IT professional and have been for 17 years so i know all the tech speak.
You are a what? And you can't come up with some of these answers on your own?
I’d really love to get out of this field and into a full time job of blogging such as you do. Its just really hard to find the time.
Assuming you were 18 when you started working, then you are 35 now. That makes you too old, I would have thought, to be part of the entitlement generation. Life is hard. There aren't enough hours in the day. Time to put in some effort if you want to make something happen.
Did you start out on a free blog spot?"
- Dennis
Funny choice of words - "free blog spot" considering you were asking if free services existed.

Enough venting from me... grumpy mode off. Back to the normal grind.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Nothing like being Open-minded

Now you see it and now you don't, courtesy of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence.

It's not like the guy was being a jerk. His post was well written and moderate in tone - especially compared to the original post - OMG PONIES!


As I've mentioned, I've started running. I've been doing it for about two weeks and have racked up about 20 miles including participating in a 5K.

I stumbled across 10 Life Lessons from a Reluctant Runner and have to say that I agree with most everything she says.

1. The endorphinss really do make a difference - not only right after running, but I feel better all the time.
4. Last time I did any consistent running was about 7 years ago. After about 2/2.5 miles my knees would start hurting. I got some cool new kicks with the help of the guys at Runner's Market and have had almost no knee pain. It is amazing how much difference a shoe makes.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Space Shuttle

I've seen this movie. It stars Bruce Willis. Yippie Ki-yay!

Expensive. Bureaucratic. Even so, I can't help but romanticise NASA and the space prgram. Sixty cool pictures of the space shuttle's history here.

Jack FM 2 Meters

So I got all these repeaters programmed into my UV-3R this evening. Purely by chance, I left the radio set to 145.370 (W4KEV).

This is, by far, the funniest repeater I have heard. (Once again, I acknowledge that I have the sense of humor of a 12 year old boy.) I've heard two announcements so far...

The first is a woman's voice announcing the repeater's info by encouraging you to stop playing with your rubber duck and move out of your mother's house. She ends with the phrase "helping hams not be so gay."

The next is a woman's voice doing Morse code - dits and dahs. A man comes on and says nice dits.

If you visit the W4KEV page, you will notice he is associated with 95.7 Jack FM. And now it all makes sense.

Improv Everywhere - Carousel Horse Race

More good stuff from Improv Everywhere.

Via Rachel Held Evens Blog.

NKT-R3: UHF Micro Handheld

These VX-3R clones must be growing on trees. The NKT-R3 is a UHF 70cm only rig, but shares the popular micro HT form factor. One interesting note, it looks like the charger is made up of the wall wart and a USB cable. I would assume you can charge this radio via USB. I need to track down the power specs and see if the DC power plug is the same as the UV-3R. Like most of the Chinese handheld transceivers, this one includes an LED flashlight function or as they call it "LED ICLUMINATION".

Hongnanke Product Information
409 Shop
eHam Reviews
ALE.CX Review - almost didn't link because of the horrible background, but the information is good.