Thursday, October 25, 2012

KG-UV920R: says they will have a new version of the KG-UV920R on (or around) Monday, Oct 29. (The link says 26th, but text on the page says 29th.) This version will have 2.5K steps. I wonder if there will be other improvements. And, oh, they are pricing it at $289 USD.

The $29 in the iPad Mini

Ha! It all makes sense now.

dmoren I just assume the extra $29 in the iPad mini’s price accounts for the Lightning cable they include.Tue, Oct 23 19:42:36 from Tweetbot for Mac
retweeted by asymco

Quote of the Day

"Remember – The Constitution does not grant rights.
SysAdmins, on the other hand…"

Portability of Personal Data

If it is portable for you, it is portable for the bad guys, too.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I agree they are getting more aggressive - aggressive with the people they are supposed to protect.

I've had run-ins with the TSA before (and another thing about that encounter).

I had another discussion with them this week. My daughter was sick when we left Knoxville for the happiest place on earth, so we had her digital thermometer in a carry-on. No issues when going through security in Knoxville - in fact, we got to go through the metal detector instead of the cancer machine. Win!

On the return, my wife and daughter got to go through the metal detector, so I asked if I could go through, too. Surprisingly, they let me. No fuss. So far, so good. (In fact, on the way to Orlando, I got to meet Jessie Godderz of Big Brother fame aka Mr. PEC-Tacular.)

However, the aforementioned digital thermometer got flagged in the x-ray machine because it had a nine volt battery in it. They asked whose bag it was, so I pointed to the three year old. The TSA agent took the backpack to a metal table to do the search. He asked if there was a battery in the bag. We said yes and that it was in a digital thermometer. He could not find said thermometer in the bag and my wife kept reaching to help him. This seemed to annoy him as we were not supposed to touch the bag.

During the search, I don't remember what he said, but something set me off, so I started my usual speech about my tax dollars at work and security theater. This really got his knickers in a knot. After finally finding the "hidden" thermometer, he took the bag to be re-scanned. While he was there, he must have asked for a supervisor to talk with the grumpy old white man.

The supervisor asked me if I had a problem with them searching my bag. I said I had a problem with the inconsistency - that the thermometer had not been a problem at the other airport. She said I should be glad that they found it here to keep me safe. What?!?! I should be glad you found a thermometer?!?! These people have no concept that false-positives are a bad thing, too. She was quite aggressive in her tone and insisted that I was in the wrong.

My wife got nervous and asked me to drop it.

The original agent held out the bag to me, but would not let go. I truly believe that he was hoping I would jerk it out of his hand, so that they could give me an even harder time. Finally, he let go and we moved on to our flight.

I cannot believe so many people are happy with the TSA as stated in the first link of this post. Security theater is better than reality.


I've played with IFTTT, but haven't really found the need for it to do anything for me. I'm still intrigued by the potential of the tool to automate tasks and so I'm glad to see other options like Zapier.

UTK Greeks

UTK Greeks having some fun in more constructive manner at CCA than say some others more recently in the news.

Baofeng UV-5R: Standardizing

No, not the models... you will get a new model name anytime Baofeng thinks they can make an extra buck.

I'm referring to KD7LRJ's decision to standardize on the Baofeng UV-5R. Given the cost and features, he has picked the UV-5R as his standard. He only has to learn one radio, can limit the different types of software required to program the radios, and can commonize the accessories.

He goes in to much more detail about his process and some of the pros/cons here.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Out of Office

Sorry for the lack of posting. Life has been very busy lately. Normal posting should resume on Wednesday.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Anytone AT-588UV: USB

So many possibilities for the USB port:
"This is a suggestion I have made but have gotten no comment yet. The USB connection on the left side is actually no more than a charging voltage for cell phone type equipment. I suggested it would be more desirable to have this as a data port. I think I suggested they make it a second, parallel mic jack."