Sunday, March 31, 2013

Last Chance

Last chance to give and be a winner:
"Today is the last day for the Honored American Veterans Afield fundraiser we are running here; if you want your donation to count towards the fundraiser, it has to be made before 2359 (11:59PM, for you civilian types), and all receipts have to be sent to me by 1700 (5:00PM) tomorrow if you want them to count towards the giveaway. 
I have handed out just under 300 tickets to around 30 folks, so your chances of winning one of the 16 awesome prize packages up for grabs is pretty decent, in my opinion, and all it takes is a small donation to a worthy organization that does amazing works for our wounded veterans and soldiers.  And even if you do not win a prize package or whatnot, helping those men and women who put their lives on the line for our liberties and freedoms counts as a “win” in my book. "

Xiegu X1M: Pictures

Some pictures from Ed at Import Communications.


Is Blogger next on the chopping block? Since it is easy to monetize (at least more so than Reader), I don't know that it would be at risk. However, who knows. When you don't pay for something, then you can't complain if it goes away. I use it because it is simple and cheap. My only real expense is registering the domain name. I wondered if FeedBurner might go, too. Of course, it can run ads as well so maybe not.

QOD0 to QOD9

LA3ZA QOD0 ... QOD9 - I bet you don't know these Q-codes!… #hamrSat, Mar 30 16:03:32 from TweetDeck

Happy Easter!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

TYT TH-UV3R: Tri-Band

I was reading the TYT USA Yahoo Group and was going to post that the TH-UV3R was getting some love from the group members.

That first post mentioned that the TH-UV3R would do 144/440 and 220. The 220 comment brought on a question and then a couple of replies about making the radio tri-band.

"The mod was done in the factory software. Under setup, then model information, Ijust changed the frequency range. 
Freq range 1 400 - 4702 136 - 1743 200 - 246
Works great.."
"Bryan, it is in tht tyt programing.  Open up the program, read from your radio then go to setup then in the dropdown menu click on model info. You will get a popup box with 4 frequency ranges. The 3rd box has 245 to 246mhz init already but is unchecked. Check the box beside it and change the frequency to your band plan. Be aware this will clear any entries you have already programmed. So be prepared to re-enter your frequencies. 
Good luck,
Barry KF5GC"

A little searching and I see that Sinotel UK is selling it as the "TYT TH-UV3R Tri-Band Handheld Transceiver With Dual Frequency Display."

I had written some about the TH-UV3R and remembered that it was Moleculo's favorite (his review). The eHam reviews are generally favorable, but don't mention tri-banding.

A happy little surprise for Easter.

Running Lingo and Rule Book

I still run despite bad weather and lots of illness around the house, so some running content.

First, we have bibs, rabbits, tapers, and the infamous fartleks... Runner's Lingo

Next is the Runner's Rule Book...

Example rules include:

Rule 1.46 For Pete’s Sake, Stand Still at Red Lights

(Which reminds me of the jogger vs. runner comparison.)

Rule 2.32 Do Whatever it Takes to Finish Ahead of a Costumed Runner

(I got beat by these guys, but I'm not sure I should feel bad about it since they are superheros. Picture from here.)

Lastly, race a world class marathoner...

He runs 26.2 miles at a 4:46 per mile pace. As a point of reference, my best 5k (3.1 miles) pace is 6:35 per mile and I am considered pretty fast for an old man.

Xiegu X1M: A Few Shipping Now

Ed has the complete listing up and says the first few will ship next week. The rest will be available in May.

X1M QRP Transceiver

 Xiegu Technology

Distributed in North America exclusively by Import Communications
Compatable via RS232 connector with Ham Radio Deluxe (Choose Icom IC-718)

Frequency range RX & TX:  0.1 ~ 30 MHz*
Modes: SSB & CW
Power output: 5 Watts
Operating voltage: 9.6 ~ 14.5 vdc
Operating current: 0.35 ~ 1.2 amp
Receiver Preamplifier:  Yes
Memory Channels:  100
RIT Function:  Yes
Automatic Internal CW Keyer:  Yes
Backlight On/Off:  Yes
Keyboard  lock:  Yes
Dimensions:   3-13/16 x 1-9/16 x 6-1/8 inches
Weight:   0.65 kg  ~  1.43 lbs
PTT Microphone:  Included

* 5 Ham Bands configured separately
Band 1:   3.5 ~ 3.9 MHz
Band 2:    7.0 ~ 7.15 MHz
Band 3: 14.0 ~ 14.5 MHz
Band 4:   21.0 ~ 21.45 MHz
Band 5:   28.0 ~ 29.7  MHz

Receiving sensitivity: better than 0.45uV,
RF output power: ≥ 4.5W
Frequency stability: better than 0.5ppm
Frequency accuracy: better than 0.5ppm
Operating voltage: 12.0 ~ 14.0V DC
Receiver Standby Current: 0.5A
Emission current: 1.5A Max

Friday, March 29, 2013

Xiegu X1MKII: Availibility

Ed (Import Communications) continues with the updates by saying that the X1MKII should be available in July. No pricing yet.

Xiegu X1M: Availability and Pricing

Ed of Import Communications passed along this update on the X1M.
"Import Communications has sealed the deal to be the only distributor for this company for North America. Twelve radios are on the way and 100 have been ordered for May 1 delivery. Orders for these will be accepted on my web site this weekend, as I find time to get the information posted. The factory suggest a retail price of $329. The introductory price for the first 100 will be $299 with free shipping."
Also, Ed is investigating an option for a tuner/battery pack unit for use with the X1M - much like the old Index Labs QRP Companion.

Ed also clarified that BG8HT (that I discussed here) is one of the designers of the Xiegu radios.

And before I could finish the post I see that Ed has started updating his site for the Xiegu radios.